i think they have a point if it says gaurenteded it should be and also i think sky should get there act together false advertisement is not right it was advertised 1k snowball not only was it not 1k but there was no snowballs involved i am very disappointed in this sort of poor service and will be getting in touch with frosty the snowman and see if we can get a case Posted by ckd
Wow, this thread has just taken off into it's own little world, brilliant stuff. The bollywood clips have got me crying with laughter, keep it going guys! 8- /> Posted by JingleMa
It's no laughing matter. 56p has been misappropriated.
Orford was right. "Meltdown".
I think you'll find it's more like this these days Click Here
i got an email from darroch ceo of sky
he is now calling a meeting with all his top execs as the law suit he is faceing over this has got him bouncing of the walls
all i can say is its been fun playing but i cant see sky lasting long over this
tikay orford i hear macdonalds is hiring so id get in there while you can sorry folks
Wow, this thread has just taken off into it's own little world, brilliant stuff.
The bollywood clips have got me crying with laughter, keep it going guys! 8- />
(defo need a new thread for these gems!)
Say no more ;-)
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