I've been on Sky for a while now and really enjoy the site and particularly the community and don't intend to play anywhere else any time soon.
I think I've played pretty well since I've been here but have certainly lost more than I've won. Recently I've been working hard on my game and have been running deep in alot if tournaments without yet managing to bink any really significant results but feel like one is on it's way soon.
Anyway..... to the point of the post, I recently made what I hope will be my last ever deposit, I put in £40.00 on Monday which I have managed to spin up to £78.00 so far. I'm determined to play good, profiatable poker and not overextend myself with higher buyins until I can afford them.
What I'm looking for from the forum is help, advice and tips from those amongst us that consistently make solid profit, be it general or specific to my game.
I know my game is pretty good, but also know there is significant room for improvement and would welcome advice from anyone willing to give it.
Cheers all
0 ·
ill see if i can find links
In other words if ya buy in at nl30 for £8 ya can double up easier and quicker than ya can at say full buy in at nl8.
Check poker school for low stakes guide
Deposit more and play NL8/10 if the thought of the NL4 grind is too much
Low stakes is a nice level where you can win enough to roll your MTT entries tbh so it's ideal for you I think.
gl m8
I started this year with a profit from last year lost it and had to put money into the account until I got form back and regained the lost cash . This happened again during the summer but now I've repaid what I put in and am playing on winnings and maintaining the balance. As long as you play within your means and enjoy the game , thats all that matters.
All you can do is work on improving the technical aspects of your own game. You can't control what the other players do.
I am doing the same from no deposit, withdrew all bankroll and trying to build it from zero!
Dont play to win ? Well you might as well play for free chips then !
Dont play in tournies where there are players who call with 1 outers ? Hmmmmm !
Good luck
It certainly wasn't "don't play to win ". It was don't be too conscious of the money. If you win the money follows. Sportsmen play to win and beat the opposition. The money follows.
n Response to Re: Last ever deposit?:
I have played and watched SoLack and I'm more than happy to take his advice and I'm pleased to say it's in line with my own thinking anyway.
If any of you guys are playing me and spot leaks, I know it's kind of counter intuitaive, but advice would be much appreciated.
Keep it coming
If you are not playing to make a profit, you are not playing to win. In tournaments. managing risk/reward in situations is key. As is BRM in all forms of the game.
I appreciate what you are saying about the importance of enjoying the game, but without the "pressure" of wanting to make a profit, it is difficult to develop beyond being a recreational player. Which is obviously something Sly wants to do.
1st lesson learned.......
Don't Play Drunk!
Managed to donk off about £25.00 last night after a few beers!