Right im setting myself a new target,Im going to start with £100 bankroll so will play 10% on 5/10nl,My aim is to get to $200 then play 10/20 and so on until i get past the 20/40 level ,To reach 25/50 level i think it will take a few months of ups n downs but i hope to get there by end of Jan.Lets grind away.
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If your going to get one thing right, make it your BRM. NL4 gives you a lot more room and this in itself will help your game.
If you dont feel like you'll take nl4 serious enough, maybe start at £200 to play nl8/10
Tonight is dtd night so no cash grind for me ,GL
Imo you will do this with great ease
you need a good start, otherwise it may be crash & burn
Youll find NL10 is different to wha your used to at NL30, i remember Dohhhh saying NL10 and 20 where his most hated levels and a others agreed.
You obviously know the risks and i hope what was all said was taken in the right manner rather than preeching.
best of luck ill follow closley