its close now. greg has one bad session i have a couple of good ones and suddenly its less than a tenner in it. will be grindin shortly hope to get another 2000 hands in today.
+£16(give or take pennies) for session. actually played a friendly sit and go o a full blown £20 profit from NL4, the volume is starting to pay of as i pass the 6500 hands mark.
8000 hands after starting and ive made £1.13 FML lol
However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever.
8000 hands after starting and ive made £1.13 FML lol However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever. Posted by The_Don90
£115 for me now. Had a sick session. Not only losing a 500BB pot with 4 outs to dodge id recovered to break even Then had this hand below right at the end.
played turn badly admitedly but this guy was constantly cold calling 3bets and donk leading throguh the streets could have been anything.
Im currently on £112.27 after a decent session, thought i was up more tbh but made 3 stupid mistakes and one strandard KK v Ax killed the margins. Tbh not disappointed tho. Went through my hand history and looked at hands that wherent bad beats and realised how badly id actually played em. Have made ajustments to my game but will take a while before they become automatic. I hope it comes sooner than later
Also noticed greg didnt update. hopefully he will tonight.
Sometimes less is more...
+ £5.28 for session
+ £25.48 total profit
will update properly later
Good luck tho mate you can beat him, just no silly tilting !
so close but no cigar and a few sngs also
im at £146.71
still 10.20 up overall, but i feel like a moron
must do better
+£16(give or take pennies) for session. actually played a friendly sit and go o a full blown £20 profit from NL4, the volume is starting to pay of as i pass the 6500 hands mark.
However reads are getting strong, finding value much easier and note book is getting bigger. Would be level with greg but got set over setted and the hand in clinic aswell. Both worht a decent amount. kinda sucks, but As i said earlier i wont run bad forever.
played turn badly admitedly but this guy was constantly cold calling 3bets and donk leading throguh the streets could have been anything.
down to £108.88
Im currently on £112.27 after a decent session, thought i was up more tbh but made 3 stupid mistakes and one strandard KK v Ax killed the margins. Tbh not disappointed tho. Went through my hand history and looked at hands that wherent bad beats and realised how badly id actually played em. Have made ajustments to my game but will take a while before they become automatic. I hope it comes sooner than later
Also noticed greg didnt update. hopefully he will tonight.
Still happy with profits.