In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : U don't want to be wearing that gooners shirt mate, and I defo want to see Don in the hoops. Not much in it though. Posted by 67Bhoys
last time i spoke to greg he had £123 but was in all 3 DTD tournys at that point i dont know hw he finnished. In a way i hope he bubbled all 3 lol.
In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : last time i spoke to greg he had £123 but was in all 3 DTD tournys at that point i dont know hw he finnished. In a way i hope he bubbled all 3 lol. Posted by The_Don90
In Response to Re: Don v Hogg- December Bankroll Challenge! Game on! : Rubz! :P This is like watching 2 snails racing. Sort it out folks! Posted by DOHHHHHHH
I am quitting with pennies in my account literally.
The mistakes?
1. No structure to my plan. Had a storming start at NL8 and shoulda stayed there only. 2. Played many many hu hypers which im not profitable at anyway. Not a good time to try to beat them. 3. I ran really bad. Not an excuse, a fact. But i did not handle this well mentally at all and played bad consequently.
Will i do another challenge in future along similar lines? Yes, i will, and next time i will learn from my mistakes.
Im hoping people forget the forfeit as im not looking forward to it at all!
Anyway below is a few examples as to why i failed.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAAMICK Small blind 200.00 200.00 8610.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 400.00 600.00 8412.50 Your hole cards 3 J cynontaff Call 400.00 1000.00 10240.00 longhair21 Fold tuncuy Fold marsh07 Fold AAMICK Call 200.00 1200.00 8410.00 GREGHOGG Check Flop A 2 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 2000.00 7610.00 GREGHOGG Call 800.00 2800.00 7612.50 cynontaff Call 800.00 3600.00 9440.00 Turn 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 4400.00 6810.00 GREGHOGG All-in 7612.50 12012.50 0.00 cynontaff Fold AAMICK All-in 6810.00 18822.50 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 2.50 18820.00 2.50 AAMICK Show 3 8 GREGHOGG Show 3 J River 8 AAMICK Win Full House, 3s and 8s 18820.00 18820.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 150.00 150.00 1470.00 ms-tree Big blind 300.00 450.00 675.00 Your hole cards A 5 poshcole Fold rp81 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1470.00 1920.00 0.00 ms-tree All-in 675.00 2595.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 645.00 1950.00 645.00 GREGHOGG Show A 5 ms-tree Show 3 A Flop J Q 3 Turn Q River 9 ms-tree Win Two Pairs, Queens and 3s 1950.00 1950.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 2800.00 craig57 Big blind 40.00 60.00 10215.00 Your hole cards K A MAHJONG Call 40.00 100.00 1920.00 2chips666 Call 40.00 140.00 6685.00 pokerhon23 Raise 160.00 300.00 1615.00 newton10 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2800.00 3100.00 0.00 craig57 Fold MAHJONG Fold 2chips666 Fold pokerhon23 All-in 1615.00 4715.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1045.00 3670.00 1045.00 GREGHOGG Show K A pokerhon23 Show K Q Flop 7 Q 7 Turn 4 River 4 pokerhon23 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 7s 3670.00 3670.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1340.00 sharpfangs Big blind 100.00 150.00 510.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1340.00 1490.00 0.00 sharpfangs All-in 510.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 780.00 1220.00 780.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A sharpfangs Show Q 10 Flop 4 6 8 Turn J River 9 sharpfangs Win Straight to the Queen 1220.00 1220.00 ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 25.00 25.00 1545.00 KtDavid Big blind 50.00 75.00 380.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1545.00 1620.00 0.00 KtDavid All-in 380.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1140.00 860.00 1140.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A KtDavid Show J Q Flop 9 J 7 Turn J River 3 KtDavid Win Three Jacks 860.00 860.00 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £9.78 Strider_78 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £8.93 Your hole cards A A TheRat1 Call £0.08 £0.20 £3.30 rancid Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.08 £0.28 £6.27 pingu346 Fold GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £9.38 Strider_78 Fold TheRat1 Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.36 £1.04 £5.91 Flop 2 K 4 GREGHOGG Bet £0.78 £1.82 £8.60 TheRiver09 Raise £1.56 £3.38 £4.35 GREGHOGG All-in £8.60 £11.98 £0.00 TheRiver09 All-in £4.35 £16.33 £0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £3.47 £12.86 £3.47 GREGHOGG Show A A TheRiver09 Show 2 K Turn 4 River 2 TheRiver09 Win Full House, 2s and Kings £11.89 £11.89 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTheRat1 Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £4.55 Jaypee61 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £10.70 Your hole cards Q A shark11 Raise £0.16 £0.28 £4.26 GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £7.60 rancid Fold Daisy66 Call £0.40 £1.08 £8.57 TheRat1 Fold Jaypee61 Fold shark11 Call £0.24 £1.32 £4.02 Flop 10 A 6 shark11 Check GREGHOGG Bet £0.72 £2.04 £6.88 Daisy66 All-in £8.57 £10.61 £0.00 shark11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £6.88 £17.49 £0.00 Daisy66 Unmatched bet £0.97 £16.52 £0.97 GREGHOGG Show Q A Daisy66 Show A 10 Turn 9 River 9 Daisy66 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 10s £15.28 £16.25 PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 520.00 Jurgen Big blind 40.00 60.00 420.00 Your hole cards 9 9 GREGHOGG All-in 520.00 580.00 0.00 Jurgen All-in 420.00 1000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 80.00 920.00 80.00 GREGHOGG Show 9 9 Jurgen Show 8 8 Flop 5 2 K Turn 8 River K Jurgen Win Full House, 8s and Kings 920.00 920.00 ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshotton11 Small blind 40.00 40.00 4525.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 80.00 120.00 1730.00 Your hole cards A A chissy2911 Fold OXBOWLER Call 80.00 200.00 2030.00 Bulldog01 Raise 160.00 360.00 6660.00 taylor8s Raise 320.00 680.00 1280.00 shotton11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1730.00 2410.00 0.00 OXBOWLER Fold Bulldog01 Fold taylor8s All-in 1280.00 3690.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 210.00 3480.00 210.00 GREGHOGG Show A A taylor8s Show K J Flop J 6 J Turn 8 River J taylor8s Win Four Jacks 3480.00
Not much in it though.
One Hundred and Twenty Three Pounds, 9 Pence
Near miss in tot
AQ done by A7 on the proper bubble
Dohhhhhh laughed
Br now 131.24
pretty shambolic really, but i hae a cunning plan
who will go broke first ?
this challenge has not had the desired affect yet. really am treading water.
got lots of work to do. think don's ahead now!! i really dont want to wear that red shirt!
BR 101.44
3.30 hyper hus are deadly
donked off another roll wp me
I knew all this was ur fkn fault
forgot about sit and dooohhhhhhssss
I am quitting with pennies in my account literally.
The mistakes?
1. No structure to my plan. Had a storming start at NL8 and shoulda stayed there only.
2. Played many many hu hypers which im not profitable at anyway. Not a good time to try to beat them.
3. I ran really bad. Not an excuse, a fact. But i did not handle this well mentally at all and played bad consequently.
Will i do another challenge in future along similar lines? Yes, i will, and next time i will learn from my mistakes.
Im hoping people forget the forfeit as im not looking forward to it at all!
Anyway below is a few examples as to why i failed.
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAAMICK Small blind 200.00 200.00 8610.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 400.00 600.00 8412.50 Your hole cards 3 J cynontaff Call 400.00 1000.00 10240.00 longhair21 Fold tuncuy Fold marsh07 Fold AAMICK Call 200.00 1200.00 8410.00 GREGHOGG Check Flop A 2 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 2000.00 7610.00 GREGHOGG Call 800.00 2800.00 7612.50 cynontaff Call 800.00 3600.00 9440.00 Turn 3 AAMICK Bet 800.00 4400.00 6810.00 GREGHOGG All-in 7612.50 12012.50 0.00 cynontaff Fold AAMICK All-in 6810.00 18822.50 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 2.50 18820.00 2.50 AAMICK Show 3 8 GREGHOGG Show 3 J River 8 AAMICK Win Full House, 3s and 8s 18820.00 18820.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 150.00 150.00 1470.00 ms-tree Big blind 300.00 450.00 675.00 Your hole cards A 5 poshcole Fold rp81 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1470.00 1920.00 0.00 ms-tree All-in 675.00 2595.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 645.00 1950.00 645.00 GREGHOGG Show A 5 ms-tree Show 3 A Flop J Q 3 Turn Q River 9 ms-tree Win Two Pairs, Queens and 3s 1950.00 1950.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 2800.00 craig57 Big blind 40.00 60.00 10215.00 Your hole cards K A MAHJONG Call 40.00 100.00 1920.00 2chips666 Call 40.00 140.00 6685.00 pokerhon23 Raise 160.00 300.00 1615.00 newton10 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 2800.00 3100.00 0.00 craig57 Fold MAHJONG Fold 2chips666 Fold pokerhon23 All-in 1615.00 4715.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1045.00 3670.00 1045.00 GREGHOGG Show K A pokerhon23 Show K Q Flop 7 Q 7 Turn 4 River 4 pokerhon23 Win Two Pairs, Queens and 7s 3670.00 3670.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 50.00 50.00 1340.00 sharpfangs Big blind 100.00 150.00 510.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1340.00 1490.00 0.00 sharpfangs All-in 510.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 780.00 1220.00 780.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A sharpfangs Show Q 10 Flop 4 6 8 Turn J River 9 sharpfangs Win Straight to the Queen 1220.00 1220.00
ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 25.00 25.00 1545.00 KtDavid Big blind 50.00 75.00 380.00 Your hole cards Q A GREGHOGG All-in 1545.00 1620.00 0.00 KtDavid All-in 380.00 2000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 1140.00 860.00 1140.00 GREGHOGG Show Q A KtDavid Show J Q Flop 9 J 7 Turn J River 3 KtDavid Win Three Jacks 860.00 860.00
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £9.78 Strider_78 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £8.93 Your hole cards A A TheRat1 Call £0.08 £0.20 £3.30 rancid Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.08 £0.28 £6.27 pingu346 Fold GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £9.38 Strider_78 Fold TheRat1 Fold TheRiver09 Call £0.36 £1.04 £5.91 Flop 2 K 4 GREGHOGG Bet £0.78 £1.82 £8.60 TheRiver09 Raise £1.56 £3.38 £4.35 GREGHOGG All-in £8.60 £11.98 £0.00 TheRiver09 All-in £4.35 £16.33 £0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet £3.47 £12.86 £3.47 GREGHOGG Show A A TheRiver09 Show 2 K Turn 4 River 2 TheRiver09 Win Full House, 2s and Kings £11.89 £11.89
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceTheRat1 Small blind £0.04 £0.04 £4.55 Jaypee61 Big blind £0.08 £0.12 £10.70 Your hole cards Q A shark11 Raise £0.16 £0.28 £4.26 GREGHOGG Raise £0.40 £0.68 £7.60 rancid Fold Daisy66 Call £0.40 £1.08 £8.57 TheRat1 Fold Jaypee61 Fold shark11 Call £0.24 £1.32 £4.02 Flop 10 A 6 shark11 Check GREGHOGG Bet £0.72 £2.04 £6.88 Daisy66 All-in £8.57 £10.61 £0.00 shark11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in £6.88 £17.49 £0.00 Daisy66 Unmatched bet £0.97 £16.52 £0.97 GREGHOGG Show Q A Daisy66 Show A 10 Turn 9 River 9 Daisy66 Win Two Pairs, Aces and 10s £15.28 £16.25
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceGREGHOGG Small blind 20.00 20.00 520.00 Jurgen Big blind 40.00 60.00 420.00 Your hole cards 9 9 GREGHOGG All-in 520.00 580.00 0.00 Jurgen All-in 420.00 1000.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 80.00 920.00 80.00 GREGHOGG Show 9 9 Jurgen Show 8 8 Flop 5 2 K Turn 8 River K Jurgen Win Full House, 8s and Kings 920.00 920.00
ActionCardsAmountPotBalanceshotton11 Small blind 40.00 40.00 4525.00 GREGHOGG Big blind 80.00 120.00 1730.00 Your hole cards A A chissy2911 Fold OXBOWLER Call 80.00 200.00 2030.00 Bulldog01 Raise 160.00 360.00 6660.00 taylor8s Raise 320.00 680.00 1280.00 shotton11 Fold GREGHOGG All-in 1730.00 2410.00 0.00 OXBOWLER Fold Bulldog01 Fold taylor8s All-in 1280.00 3690.00 0.00 GREGHOGG Unmatched bet 210.00 3480.00 210.00 GREGHOGG Show A A taylor8s Show K J Flop J 6 J Turn 8 River J taylor8s Win Four Jacks 3480.00
p.s cud be worse, you havent gone on national tv in a mankini yet lol.
WD Don, pity you wont be seen in the hoops