Stakes: Play anything from 30nl to 200nl. Always check the lobby higher tho in case some value is there but there rarely is nowadays. Vast majority is 50nl and 100nl tho
How long: Sessions are usually 2 hours or so. Sometimes they last 2 mins as if I get stacked early on in a session I find I tilt bad so just insta quit
Set-up: Desktop PC. 2 26in monitors. Have a 19in laptop but rarely play on that but when I do it can handle 9.
My advice: Don't move up too quick in levels. Be a massive BR nit. I think if you play on a serious/semi serious basis then and multitable then 50bis minimum, but personally I wouldn't feel comfortable playing the amount that I do without 200-300bis behind me.
My Advice: Set goals that you can control. Dont set monetary targets because they are out of your control, instead set targets like playing well, quitting as soon as youre on tilt, adding extra tables when you feel you can handle it, playing x number o hours per week.(i need to follow my own advice).
Stakes: £100nl+
Tables: usually 12-16
How long: 2-3 hours per day usually maybe longer if i go deep in a tourney.
Set-up: 2x24". I use normal view because im special...
My Advice: Set goals that you can control. Dont set monetary targets because they are out of your control, instead set targets like playing well, quitting as soon as youre on tilt, adding extra tables when you feel you can handle it, playing x number o hours per week.(i need to follow my own advice).