In Response to Re: Join James & Rich on...THE CASH CRUSADE! : Thanks, Barry. Hope you're feeling better. I know, from bitter experience, that being sick at Christmas really sucks... Posted by J-Hartigan
You're welcome, I am feeling much better thank you
There isn't much action on the 'Action' tables this evening (anyone would think it's the day after Christmas!), but I managed to get a 3-4 handed game going at Action Table 21 and played heads-up (first against Boonicon, then against TOOTRUE) at Action Table 24. And after 40 minutes...
Action 21 +£10.42
Action 24 +£8.51
A pretty good start to the evening. As previously mentioned, I love this format. There's plenty of post-flop play and multi-way pots - and loads of opportunities to gamble. Yes, that's a good thing. After all, how else am I going to win?!?
Deep Stack 25 broke up, with player after player abandoning his/her seat - even though I was spewing left, right and centre! Actually, to be fair, I was on relatively decent form, and my losses at this table (-£15) can be attributed to 75% bad luck and 25% bad play.
I still have a seat at Deep Stack 14 - and will stay there for another 20-30 minutes.
Just left Deep Stack 14...-£2.58 It's tough to assess how the new 'Deep' tables play when everyone else is sitting on <100bbs!
Alas, my profit at this 10p/20p table was obliterated (and then some) by a nasty coup which saw my QQ cracked by A6 - with an A on the river. However, in my opinion, I played the hand pretty well: I put in a hefty 3-bet pre and made a 3/4 pot c-bet on the flop. Arguably, I should have bet more than half pot on the turn (there were straight and flush draws out there), but at least I had the sense to check back the river when the A hit!
Coalburn (15p/30p): once again, my opponent bought in for £12, while I was playing the maximum £30.
This one went the distance. In fact, at one stage, my opponent gained the chip advantage. However, I was able to learn from his betting patterns and, ultimately, get the better of him for his stack.
An epic match at Carmichael (25p/50p) against Boonicon. We both bought in for £50, and, every time Boonicon dipped below £45, he topped up. For most of the game, I had the upper hand (at one stage I was up to £80). But, he chipped away and chipped away, until all the money went in on a J-9-7-5-3 board. I had J8. He had J3 ftw.
I was left with a few quid. I decided not to top up, but gamble with my short stack. The gamble paid off a couple of times, until I eventually lost the lot (JQ<KQ aipf). Still, I really enjoyed the game and, for the most part, feel that I held my own.
Have to or lose, heads-up is a LOT of fun. Yes, it's probably more fun when you're selective about your opponent and play against a total fish, rather than a 50nl reg, but that last game was a real test of skill. There's a few hands I played - and a few bluffs I pulled off - that I'm really proud of.
If, like me, you enjoy being in the thick of the action and aspire to play a lot of hands, then heads-up cash could be the game for you.
Managed to recover my early losses at Action Table 11 - and just about broke even there.
In summary, an interesting and enjoyable night...
The biggest lesson I've learned in the last three weeks is, as long as I stick to 20nl and 30nl, I'm able to grind out a profit.
When I venture into the choppy waters of 50nl, things go wrong. Badly wrong :-o
So, for the next few days, I'll continue to play the 20p/20p 'Action' tables. I think early evening (5-7pm) suits me best, but I may mix it up.
And I'll offer my final thoughts on my 'Cash Crusade' at the end of the week. Ahead of that, I wish you the best of luck if you're playing any of the Christmas UKOPS events in the next four days. Play well and run better!
In the first week, I discovered that short-stacking is not for me.
In the second week, I discovered that multi-tabling is a great way of levelling variance and curbing my impatience.
In the third week, I discovered that ten-handed tables drive me to distraction.
In the fourth week, I discovered the allure of the new 'Action' tables and the awesomeness of heads-up cash.
All in all, this has been a fun experiment.
Now I know my ideal game (six-max 'Action'), the limits I'm most comfortable playing (20p/20p and 30p/30p), the best time of day to play and optimal duration of session (early evening; 30-45 mins), I will certainly be a more frequent visitor to Sky Poker's No Limit Hold'em tables.
If you're mainly a tournament player, I urge you to embark on a crusade of your own and explore the wonderful world of cash. What's the worst that can happen? I guarantee it'll make you a better MTT player (especially your approach to turn and river play) and you may discover that it's a better way of grinding out a profit.
Anyway, good luck in all your poker endeavours in 2012. Happy New Year!
It's tough to assess how the new 'Deep' tables play when everyone else is sitting on <100bbs!
Hi James, so wsa you up or down over all and was it your money or skys