I play on other sites that do not allow deregistration if you win a seat espicaly were the seat or seats are guarenteed. I recently won a seat were there had to be sufficant funds for the winner to get the seat with lower places reciveng cash. As i could not play i deregistered and have now according to sky poker forited the seat and the monies, yet there system did not advise I could not derigister and did not give a ticket credit. Any one else had same problem
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I cannot see any reason for not refunding the FULL amount as sky have already got the rake from the sats and the buy-in fee.
It simply put does NOT make any sense at all.
After all if say ya buy into a sat for £4.80 and 1in 5 qualify then sky have taken £2 in rake off of the 5 players in total , so if ya de-reg and get £4.80 refunded then where does the rest of the £22 go ?? thats £17.20 unaccounted for.
My comment to them is that it must have a value as the players who have entered have to pay sufficiant in the kitty to buy the seat.
You got it on the nail
I have sent a complaint to The Alderney Gambling Control Commission (AGCC) after hitting a brick wall with sky poker. I would suggest others do the same and maybe we will get this changed