In Response to Re: IRISHROVER takes a 5 year poker break …................................. : I gotta say sporny i am a bit shocked here at dohh's response . nodeal however i expect nuffin less , nice post sporny matey xxx Posted by debdobs_67
Ok I asked spottyball to show me what this thread has to do with the tragedy of losing a loved one and no reply as yet,
Now im asking you What has this thread got to do with losing a loved one????/
Please dont cowardly come in take a swipe and run, Back up your comments or be quiet.
Ill take a stab in the dark and try to understand yours and spottyballs feeble minds.
Could It be that you two are likening me boaking at saint dens Im such a loving father post to death??
The only thing spotty ball managed to achieve was to bring onto this thread a real tragedy that has nothing to do with this thread.
I wish the man who suffered the loss of his wife all the strength he can muster and truly feel for him and hope he doesnt read spottys misuse of his loss.
Spornys post in my opinion unlike yours was an awful post.
I havent had the pleasure of meeting you yet irishrover but giving up something you enjoy to spend more time with your family gets big respect from me, your family and loved ones are very lucky to have you.
I wish you all the best for the future and very happy xmas and new year.
Good decision, Online poker is a time sink. Unless you have absolutly nothing else to do or are making buckets of money at it do something else, your future self will thankyou.
A fine player who helped me a lot during my early days playing the 9.25 £100 Guaranteed that Leedslad (where is Leedslad?) and yourself always took down!
Online poker takes over your life at times, it's way too easy to get a game
Good decision, I wish I had dedicated more time to my family when I had the chance
I remember a couple of years ago yourself and I meeting on deepstack final tables pretty much everyday. I always thought you were 1 of the best tournament players on Sky and its a shame you never pushed yourself to move up stakes. Maybe when you come back you might try and do that.
Denis you are a true gent and have been great help in transforming my game.
I will miss u, but just shows how much of a great father/family man you are! Have a great life and look forward to seeing u in future my friend! Best wishes, Derek.
In Response to Re: IRISHROVER takes a 5 year poker break …................................. : I gotta say sporny i am a bit shocked here at dohh's response . nodeal however i expect nuffin less , nice post sporny matey xxx Posted by debdobs_67
thanks debdobs, wanted to say a lot more but would have been banned and not time or place to do it, i have a lot off respect for den and his an misses choice in what their doing
I thought i hadn't seen you around for a while, but it's still a bit of a shock but i respect your decision. Remember the original star trek series? Its five year mission that went on for decades, i suppose your now on your own one lol. Gl and see ya in five years, god you could be grey or even bald by then lol.
Friday July 29, 11:16 PM
you see the southpark facebook episode? if not you need to.
hope you don't suffer the same fate from being my only friend.
Now im asking you What has this thread got to do with losing a loved one????/
Please dont cowardly come in take a swipe and run, Back up your comments or be quiet.
Ill take a stab in the dark and try to understand yours and spottyballs feeble minds.
Could It be that you two are likening me boaking at saint dens Im such a loving father post to death??
The only thing spotty ball managed to achieve was to bring onto this thread a real tragedy that has nothing to do with this thread.
I wish the man who suffered the loss of his wife all the strength he can muster and truly feel for him and hope he doesnt read spottys misuse of his loss.
Spornys post in my opinion unlike yours was an awful post.
Take care bud.
Take care.
I wish you all the best for the future and very happy xmas and new year.
Take care of yourself.
What a responsible decision, says a lot about you both. Best of luck to you and you family in the future. Run good.
A fine player who helped me a lot during my early days playing the 9.25 £100 Guaranteed that Leedslad (where is Leedslad?) and yourself always took down!
Online poker takes over your life at times, it's way too easy to get a game
Good decision, I wish I had dedicated more time to my family when I had the chance
I will miss u, but just shows how much of a great father/family man you are! Have a great life and look forward to seeing u in future my friend! Best wishes, Derek.