It's taken 2 days so far to get a Christmas wishes photo approved in Team Talk - come on Sky!!!! Posted by elsadog
Did you know it costs circa 30k/40k PA to get someone to do this full time? You cant just pay the NMW you know, the person would require knowledge of strategic planning on a multi-functional approvement system, senior management experience, advanced ''photo approvement'' technical expertise and maybe a cycle proficiency badge for good measure - alternatively you could authorise one of the forum mods to approve them, or give the job to a Jehovah witness as they dont celebrate christmas so would not require time off at this time of year, or as a last resort outsource it to Bangalore for 50p an hour. Happy xmas )))
In Response to Get your finger out!!!! : Did you know it costs circa 30k/40k PA to get someone to do this full time? You cant just pay the NMW you know, the person would require knowledge of strategic planning on a multi-functional approvement system, senior management experience, advanced ''photo approvement'' technical expertise and maybe a cycle proficiency badge for good measure - alternatively you could authorise one of the forum mods to approve them, or give the job to a Jehovah witness as they dont celebrate christmas so would not require time off at this time of year, or as a last resort outsource it to Bangalore for 50p an hour. Happy xmas ))) Posted by loonytoons
very dissapointed in this post! totally missed out the health and safety aspect:)
I was !!
merry christmas matey. gl in 2012 too.