Just watching last nights ukops bounty hunter show, is carlo on commision for the number of players registered for the tourneys?? His pitch 'you can sign up for both omaha tourneys for the price of a pizza' quality unscripted at its best lol
Just watching last nights ukops bounty hunter show, is carlo on commision for the number of players registered for the tourneys?? His pitch 'you can sign up for both omaha tourneys for the price of a pizza' quality unscripted at its best lol Posted by adz777
LOL it was very funny, yet concerned how he got from an Omaha tournament to pizza in one sentence.
In Response to Is carlo on commission for these U.K.O.P.S? : LOL it was very funny, yet concerned how he got from an Omaha tournament to pizza in one sentence. Posted by Sky_Claire
i think he may well be after the main seat watch your back Mr Orford lol