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Hand history from 5.50 booty this evening

mabbott96mabbott96 Member Posts: 14
edited December 2021 in Strategy
Interesting hand played vs @MattBates in the 5.50 bounty this evening:
ben170583Small blind15.0015.005075.00
mabbott96Big blind30.0045.001925.00
Your hole cards
  • J
  • A
  • J
  • 10
  • 10
  • 5
  • A
  • 10
  • 9
  • J
  • A
MattBatesWinThree 10s1285.003045.00
In retrospect I think I should probably 3bet pre vs button open. As played, I thought it was an easy call on the flop, as raising doesn't achieve much and folding is out of the question. When the turn is a brick I think I can easily just call again. The river was interesting as, although my hand improved, I realised a few of the bluffs Villain Bates might have got there (KQ), and I'm still losing to a 10 anyway. Nonetheless, I decided to call on the river, as I didn't think I'd get any action from worse by raising and I thought I was at the top of my range after calling flop and turn. Interested to hear any thoughts :)


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,824


    I'll leave the analysis to the experts, but I do like the nickname "Villain Bates".

    I daresay Villain Bates @MattBates will be along in due course to plead innocence.
  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    Pre flop we don't really want to 3bet and be out of position vs a good player in this instance, however it must be noted that ajo is one of the better 3bets "As a bluff" pre flop as it blocks stronger Ax and JJ, they can also call with worse suited aces etc which we dominate, I just prefer to use it when we will be in position and use more suited hands oop as bluffs.

    Flop, turn and the river are super standard and I believe most players including myself would call all three streets, however i would be a little worried when the A comes in as KQ is the most obvious bluff here, although 98 and Q9 are still possible and would always open the button.

    Will be interesting to see what Matt thinks!?!
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Have seen this and will respond but hoping a few people post first to try and get some more interaction on this part of the forum
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,803
    I know you were oop here. Were you not tempted to lead into him at any point?. Ok I know that having flopped trips Matt's never going away here but theres certainly some worse hands that would call.
    Have to agree with @Summers119 the ace is a scare card and could hurt us.
    Perhaps a big bet pre gets it done but at that stage youre ahead and want to get a call.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492

    I know you were oop here. Were you not tempted to lead into him at any point?. Ok I know that having flopped trips Matt's never going away here but theres certainly some worse hands that would call.
    Have to agree with @Summers119 the ace is a scare card and could hurt us.
    Perhaps a big bet pre gets it done but at that stage youre ahead and want to get a call.

    What would we learn from donking out?
  • mabbott96mabbott96 Member Posts: 14

    I know you were oop here. Were you not tempted to lead into him at any point?. Ok I know that having flopped trips Matt's never going away here but theres certainly some worse hands that would call.
    Have to agree with @Summers119 the ace is a scare card and could hurt us.
    Perhaps a big bet pre gets it done but at that stage youre ahead and want to get a call.

    Was initially tempted to lead river but then realised it was probably way too thin and I'd definitely have to fold to a raise. Same logic for flop and turn really, just seemed a bit to thin on a paired board
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    I think if we're doing any raising post flop it has to be on flop - Bates has bet small and we have the best hand here a massive amount of the time and get value from a load of worse hands - worse jacks, kq, aq/ak, q9, 89, maybeee some pairs like 88, 77 that bet flop. Of course it would just mean you lose more this hand but overall I think this is a flop raise
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    Looks good on every street to me.

    nh, wp, ul.
  • Angmar2626Angmar2626 Member Posts: 886
    Fine as played imo - I don't think this is a good board to mix in a lead.

    Like Matt's flop sizing
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2019
    I take the point about being disinclined to play too many bloated pots OOP vs @MattBates but I agree with you @mabbott96 - AJo would definitely be closer to a 3 bet for value rather than a 3 bet bluff with blockers as @Summers119 suggests, especially from these positions (BTN vs BB).

    We don't have a donk leading range in this spot on this flop and leading the 5d on the turn wouldn't be a thing here either.

    Check raising flop as @Allan23 suggests is a decent option vs a BTN open and c-bet here. Solvers probably suggest close to 100% c-bet for 25-33% pot in this spot for the player opening the BTN vs BB defend as they have: nut range and positional advantage (which probably outweighs the fact that BB has more Tx although I'm not too sure about that) and as a result we will have to widen our flop raising range (bluffs that turn equity and/or some hands with blockers and thinner 'value' raises) and that would definitely include AJ for 'value'. That does then have the potential to put us in some awkward spots as the BTN opener still has AA/KK/QQ/JJ/TT and we don't. We do have more Tx in our range but if he thinks our flop raising range consists mostly Jx and lots of straight draw/backdoor flush draw combo's or random, spewy little-to-no equity bluffs attacking the small c-bet on the paired board in this spot (which I see loads of every night) then he can put us in some really difficult spots on later streets with both his made hands and his own bluffs/semi-bluffs.

    I also think it's fine as played and maybe best as played but would also be interested to hear the thoughts of those better qualified to analyse the spot.
  • mabbott96mabbott96 Member Posts: 14
    Thanks for all the replies, some very useful info here! 3betting pre still seems like a good option sometimes. I wouldn't have thought to check/raise flop, as I usually just call 100% of the time with hands like AJ on JTT, although it makes a lot of sense vs a wide button open and cbet range.

    See you all on the tables (if you play the 2.20 tiny bankroll tourneys :smile: )
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