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How often am i good here? if ever

coo1-umcoo1-um Member Posts: 2,996
edited December 2021 in Strategy
so a £3 all in gets me into the £55 ukops i can see my table is full of regs and good solid players.
At what point here should i fold, am i ever ahead?
am i just a calling station? should i just quit?
just at the start of level 2, is a good player ever playing anything here that i beat?

my problem is i play for fun, which means its harder to win and i know that.

As i plan a challenge soon, i would like some feedback either in this thread or by DM.

Good luck all
coo1-umSmall blind15.0015.005065.00
cpfc_2010Big blind30.0045.006505.00
Your hole cards
  • 10
  • Q
  • 3
  • 6
  • Q
  • Q
  • 9
cpfc_2010Unmatched bet1455.0010160.001455.00
  • 10
  • Q
  • Q
  • A
cpfc_2010WinThree Queens10160.0011615.00


  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    once uv raised and had a go on the flop check fold turn if she checks turn and bets river we fold
  • gpc70gpc70 Member Posts: 1,997
    cancel that i thought u was holding 10 10 gotta go specsavers
  • MynaFrettMynaFrett Member Posts: 789
    edited April 2019
    Pre-flop is fine.

    We are supposed to just check-call with this holding on this flop at this stack depth when our opponent is representing a polarised range here.

    We should just check-call flop, check-call turn and check-call river on this runout IMO.

    As played it's hard to find bluffs for him with this line when you represent trips+ pretty strongly on this board.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Mmm. Think its check call all the way but I'm paranoid about being outkicked or even my opponent having a boat so I may even be folding the river.

    But then again I'm not very good, so maybe I'm not the best one to give advice.

  • Summers119Summers119 Member Posts: 193
    I agree with the others, Id check call 3 streets, the raise on the flop doesn't really accomplish much as it folds out any bluffs he will have. So you only get value from AA and KK which he may fold by the river anyway.
  • hhyftrftdrhhyftrftdr Member Posts: 8,036
    edited April 2019
    gpc70 said:

    once uv raised and had a go on the flop check fold turn if she checks turn and bets river we fold

    If she checks turn?
    She hasn't checked a turn since 2012.

    Check call 3 streets looks good to me. Raise pre looks a tad too large as well.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    Yeah check call

    Not criticising but just wondered what your reasons for check raising the flop were?
  • coo1-umcoo1-um Member Posts: 2,996
    That’s where I go wrong not having a reason. My cards were suited. Think I wanted to know where I was I guess the call should have told me enough not to donk off on the river.

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Trouble is you have asked the question with the raise to find out where you are but then ignored the answer and we are bluff catching with our river call!

    As others have said we can just check call. On the flop I just think you fold out worse and get called by better when you raise.
  • coo1-umcoo1-um Member Posts: 2,996
    Ok. So if I had check called the flop and turn and checked the river am I still calling off an all in bet on the river.
    Or would with a less inflated pot I expect the river to go check check.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    The pot would be a lot smaller so I doubt it would be an all in bet. I doubt oppo would 3b pre and bet bet jam worse than Q10. If oppo has kk or aa then its more of a 2 street hand.
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