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Who won what on Friday. The Bates did. Again.

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

£10,000 Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter @ 8pm

Quite a busy night last night, especially as it was the start of a BH weekend, & the £10,000 Main made £11,520.

@LnarinOO (how do you pronounce that ffs?) returned to form, collecting the best part of £2,100.

I know zilch about runner-up @seikus but he has a healthy 40% ROI over a 2,684 sample size.

@LnarinOO 1322000 1 £1503.36 + £589.40 Head Prizes 10

@seikus 0 2 £887.04 + £169.24 Head Prizes 6

@silverbac2 0 3 £532.80 0

@TBLTDK 0 4 £421.63 + £145.68 Head Prizes 3

@GSmith13 0 5 £357.12 + £264.07 Head Prizes 8

@PokerWhale 0 6 £296.64 + £190.56 Head Prizes 10

@GREGGER01 collected another £400 after winning the Main the night before. Feels like less than a fortnight to me.

@GREGGER01 0 8 £181.44 + £219.47 Head Prizes 9

Not seen this lad here much this year, only a handful of MTT's in 2019. He's a big mucker of Ambo's, & a top chap.

@2Guys1Acct 0 17 £57.60 + £19.68 Head Prizes 1


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    £4,000 Mini Avenger Rebuy B/Hunter @ 8.30pm

    This made a handsome £5,165.

    Winner @gez_bear is very solid & wins more than his fair share.

    @Essexphil had a steady night, 6th here, but he also won the 7.15pm PLO8 affair for the 2nd night in succession. Think I'm gonna have to get myself across to the PLO8 MTT Tables & show them kids how it's done. More seriously, Phil has won his Vegas package, ditto @pompeynic, & so I'm looking forward to taking the pair of them Downtown to play some PLO8 at Golden Nugget & Binions. Gonna be a blast.

    @gez_bear 2476000 1 £645.62 + £133.34 Head Prizes 8

    @jskid 0 2 £361.55 + £157.59 Head Prizes 15

    @Arrogant 0 3 £213.31 + £62.22 Head Prizes 8

    @leight1993 0 4 £169.15 + £26.96 Head Prizes 4

    @ronny707 0 5 £142.04 + £66.09 Head Prizes 10

    @Essexphil 0 6 £114.92 + £20.17 Head Prizes 6

    @Allan23 keeps coming up just shy, he did the same on Wednesday, but he did win his HU match last night in Las Man Standing, & now he plays @Catsnap tonight. Win that, & Vegas is on the horizon....

    @Allan23 0 8 £64.56 + £99.82 Head Prizes 10

    Seeing @mmmpizza in the money I took a look at all the Sky Poker players listed with the "mmm" prefix, there are 23 of them, including mmmpizza, mmmchips, mmmdonuts, & my abso favourite Mmmmmuuumm. Sadly, the last named has just 1 DYM on his CV, & that was almost exactly a year ago.

    @mmmpizza 0 13 £27.12 + £9.37 Head Prizes 3

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    £2,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter @ 9pm

    Good night for Guarantees, this one beating the line by 25%.

    The Bates won this for the 2nd time this week, & he then won a £10 affair later last night for a couple of hundo. Must be minted.

    Was a decent night for @LnarinOO too, 4th in this after winning the Main.

    Reminds me of buses, you wait ages for one & then.....well, you know the rest.

    @MattBates 255000 1 £471.75 + £288.54 Head Prizes 6

    @Gambelo 0 2 £280.50 + £127.45 Head Prizes 4

    @GSmith13 0 3 £191.25 + £49.22 Head Prizes 1

    @LnarinOO 0 4 £140.25 + £82.03 Head Prizes 3

    @TBLTDK 0 5 £102 + £145.32 Head Prizes 7

    @chops77 0 6 £89.25 0

    Anyway, it gives me an excuse to post a bus photo. MMMmmmmmBus.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665

    £1,500 Quickdraw @ 10.30pm

    Apologies, but I don't know any of these, though I note @longjob in 6th is highy-rated, & 5th placed @wasylm2003 has almost 11,000 games to his credit here, so really I should know a little more about them both.

    But I don't.

    @HUMPTY1966 140000 1 £400 + £248.23 Head Prizes 6

    @tug180 0 2 £240 + £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @bean10 0 3 £160 + £75 Head Prizes 4

    @RCord 0 4 £36.91 Head Prizes 1

    @wasylm2003 0 5 £46.88 Head Prizes 2

    @longjob 0 6 £42.19 Head Prizes 2

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