Slightly better numbers last night, even though the £10,000 Avenger Main - the biggest Main of the week apart from Sunday Major - only crept over the line with a prize pool of £10,080.
The Mini (the biggest version all week) did very well though, plus Sheriff & Quickdraw were reasonable, so not a bad night overall, with aggregate Prize Pools of the Big 4 beating Guarantees by 13.5%.
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£10,000 Avenger Main (£10,080)
lundie's Main Event win gets him into the Top 20 most profitable MTT-ers in 2019.
wineli so nearly completed a memorable hat-trick, as we won Quickdraw the last 2 nights, but fell 1 spot shy here. Made a good few bob though.
Good effort in 6th by Sock Bloke LARSON7.
@lundie 1148000 1 £1335.60 + £473.94 Head Prizes 8
@wineli 0 2 £796.32 + £148.81 Head Prizes 7
@EasyTiger 0 3 £478.80 + £229.83 Head Prizes 12
@JMC1975 0 4 £378 + £326.84 Head Prizes 13
@pokermask 0 5 £320.04 + £17.11 Head Prizes 1
@LARSON7 0 6 £267.12 + £94.06 Head Prizes 4
£4,000 Avenger Mini (£4,865)
QPR1970 returned from an 11 day break to bag the Mini. Welcome Back etc.
In 6th was cpfc-2010, so he holds down 9th most profitable Sky Poker MTT-er in 2019. Whether Palace, so lucky last week, can hold down Villa today is another matter. Away banker that.
@Qpr1970 2316000 1 £608.12 + £216.71 Head Prizes 14
@eamonn1959 0 2 £340.55 + £38.21 Head Prizes 4
@smilin2 0 3 £200.92 + £65.35 Head Prizes 8
@cowhead 0 4 £159.33 + £22.72 Head Prizes 4
@CoolCol58 0 5 £133.79 + £57.61 Head Prizes 9
@cpfc_2010 0 6 £108.25 + £40.69 Head Prizes 6
£2,000 Sheriff (£2,750)
alancarr12 collected ~£850 for the win to add to the £300 he won in the Sky Poker Premiership promo.
@alancarr12 275000 1 £508.75 + £353.63 Head Prizes 8
@billalvo29 0 2 £302.50 + £114.04 Head Prizes 3
@ozzieowen 0 3 £206.25 + £106.64 Head Prizes 4
@miniman88 0 4 £151.25 + £105.76 Head Prizes 5
@Arrogant 0 5 £110 + £135.94 Head Prizes 6
@Tala08 0 6 £96.25 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
£1,000 Quickdraw (£1,600)
That's a third Quickdraw final in August for alter02, having already had a 4th & a 6th this month.
That man cpfc_2010 made his 2nd Big 4 Final of the evening, with miniman88 4th & Mean Machine 5th.
@alter02 160000 1 £320 + £270 Head Prizes 7
@cpfc_2010 0 2 £200 + £98.74 Head Prizes 4
@grahamfo12 0 3 £120 + £31.64 Head Prizes 1
@miniman88 0 4 £88 + £57.42 Head Prizes 2
@GSmith13 0 5 £72 + £79.69 Head Prizes 4
@theclaw00 0 6 £51.57 Head Prizes 2