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Exit Hand From UKOPS Mini 01/05

pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834

Hi All,
Just after a bit of advice re this, my exit hand, from last night's mini.
I had thought about just calling the opening 600 bet, but, with three players still to act behind me,I did not want to get into a five way pot , as was likely to happen with the BB's bounty almost certainly to be up for grabs. The player directly to my left had been a bit loose and aggressive recently, losing a large amount of chips, I also thought that,if I flat called,he would shove and I might still have a four way pot. As it happens he wakes up with a hand and I would have lost to the BB's flush anyway.
If I had just called, not sure I would have folded to a shove on the flop, probably a long pause before sigh calling, perhaps something I should get better at.
Any thoughts or tips much appreciated

RickjaggerSmall blind150.00150.0014085.00
KloppbossBig blind300.00450.00235.00
Your hole cards
  • Q
  • Q
RyanrossUnmatched bet425.0018075.00425.00
  • 6
  • J
  • Q
  • Q
  • K
  • A
  • 4
  • 9
  • A
  • 7
  • K
KloppbossWinFlush to the Ace2290.002290.00
RyanrossWinTwo Pairs, Aces and Kings15785.0016210.00


  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    You’re deep enough here to 3bet non-all in to a size between 1600-2000ish. Sometimes though it’s better to rip to isolate the bounty as you can get called much wider. Just unlucky he gets there.
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,822
    QQ vs AK will almost always end up all-in preflop at this stack depth, especially with a bounty up for grabs.

    You played it fine :)
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    Basically what the others said. In these spots people will go pretty mad for the bounties. If you 3b non all in then you need to go reasonably big as I think lots will peel wider than normal given the bb stack. You can flat to induce but you run the risk of going multi way to the flop.
  • pompeynicpompeynic Member Posts: 2,834
    Thanks @bbMike , @goldnballz , @MattBates ,
    just a couple of follow ups, If I had flat called the opening bet and the guy to my left shoves, do you call or fold ? What about if I re-raise to say 2500 and he shoves , is the answer any different ?
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Hi Nic, hope you are well buddy.

    FWIW. If you just flat call the opening (although why would you) and the player to your left shoves its an insta call I feel. This is a B.H and youre ahead too much of the time to fold.

    If you reraise and he shoves over the top then that's slightly different as I don't feel hes doing this with a weak holding and its either a crying call or a sigh fold.

    Although I'm really bad at bounty hunters so its just an opinion.
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,822
    pompeynic said:

    Thanks @bbMike , @goldnballz , @MattBates ,
    just a couple of follow ups, If I had flat called the opening bet and the guy to my left shoves, do you call or fold ? What about if I re-raise to say 2500 and he shoves , is the answer any different ?

    I'm never ever ever folding QQ here, delighted to get it in

  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118

    pompeynic said:

    Thanks @bbMike , @goldnballz , @MattBates ,
    just a couple of follow ups, If I had flat called the opening bet and the guy to my left shoves, do you call or fold ? What about if I re-raise to say 2500 and he shoves , is the answer any different ?

    I'm never ever ever folding QQ here, delighted to get it in


  • EssexphilEssexphil Member Posts: 9,086
    edited May 2020
    I was playing in a big MTT on another site recently. I was 3 from the money, and had an average stack (70k chips, 1.5/3k blinds). I raised it to 7k with QQ, and the BB shoved for 50k.

    The min-cash was 1.5k, so I hesitated, and then called. Villain had KK, and I bust 2 from the money.

    I asked a top top player whether I was right to call there. His answer? Always. You would have insta-called at your normal stakes, and you should insta-call there too.
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    I know we are deep , but this looks pretty basic. Once the cards are turned over you are more than happy to see AK/ J6. I wouldn't try and over analyse this spot as it looks like you got what you wanted. You play tournaments to win and need to win a flip in spots, i could probably look at the stacks etc and read into it more but i dont think we should, not sure if this would be posted if you won? UL
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468
    Hmmm I also insta call with QQ - but it’s my bogey hand so always a bit hesitant ..up until yesterday when it turned into quads! So the QQ hold over me has gone! ( till next time..)


    Hand 4 ( for me ) of rebuy ukops tourney...should I have called ? ( I normally would call every time except close to bubble/sat seat..)
    MAGPIETYKESmall blind40.0040.001770.00
    madprofBig blind80.00120.002040.00
    Your hole cards
    • A
    • K
    • A
    • K
    • 2
    • 4
    • 7
    • 10
    • 5
    • 6
    • A
    AShJWinFlush to the Ace4040.004040.00

  • K0BAYASHlK0BAYASHl Member Posts: 2,029
    edited May 2020
  • goldnballzgoldnballz Member Posts: 2,822
    Obviously, you know the answer... but just wanted to share a bad beat :p

    Interesting shove!
  • madprofmadprof Member Posts: 3,468

    Obviously, you know the answer... but just wanted to share a bad beat :p

    Interesting shove!

    I normally am gracious in defeat , type nh and wish the table Gl .....not this time...but I did wish @hhyftrftdr Gl as I wanted him to knock ashj out!
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