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Clinging On.

HAYSIEHAYSIE Member Posts: 33,252
Murdered MP Jo Cox's sister HOLDS Batley and Spen for Labour by just 323 votes in by-election shock that saves Keir Starmer his job as she slams 'unacceptable intimidation and violence' of bitter campaign

Labour candidate Kim Leadbeater, the sister of murdered MP Jo Cox and a former Coronation Street actress, has managed to fend off Tory challenger Ryan Stephenson and maverick Mr Galloway's Workers Party. Speculation had been rife that Sir Keir could have faced a leadership challenge if Labour had lost yet another election in a Red Wall seat. Boris Johnson had been making serious inroads into Labour heartlands since 2019, most recently the Super Thursday polls in May. It follows a divisive campaign in which Miss Leadbeater, a former Coronation Street actress, faced abuse from rival canvassers but was also accused of stoking racial and sectarian tensions by distributing leaflets aimed at the Pakistani Muslim population in the area. As the polls closed at 10pm last night, Miss Leadbeater accused her political rivals of 'intimidation and violence' and said there had been 'some unacceptable lows' during the six-week campaign for the West Yorkshire seat. Turnout was significantly down on the 66.5 per cent attained at the 2019 General Election at 47.61 per cent. However, there is normally a 15-point drop in turnout at by-elections compared to general elections.


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