In Response to Re: Put yourself in my shoes. : what you mean? Posted by 9991
you said to put ouselves in your shoes, i need to know what size you are cos if i get blisters again i could end up having my feet chopped off and then no more buying slippers
In Response to Re: Put yourself in my shoes. : you said to put ouselves in your shoes, i need to know what size you are cos if i get blisters again i could end up having my feet chopped off and then no more buying slippers Posted by porkerman
Min buy in on the 2/4 cash tables for £1.60 and try to get up to a fiver then leave the table and buy in on another table for £ playing small stack you can only lose £1.60 at a time...increase your buy in as your BR increases, until you are buying in for the full £4.00...I wouldn't recommend a bigger buy in until you've mastered the 2/4p tables
...this way you have a minimum of 3x buy ins thus utilising your br whilst not getting spanked by a 2 card outer for your whole stack )
Min buy in on the 2/4 cash tables for £1.60 and try to get up to a fiver then leave the table and buy in on another table for £ playing small stack you can only lose £1.60 at a time...increase your buy in as your BR increases, until you are buying in for the full £4.00...I wouldn't recommend a bigger buy in until you've mastered the 2/4p tables ...this way you have a minimum of 3x buy ins thus utilising your br whilst not getting spanked by a 2 card outer for your whole stack ) Good Luck Sir & welcome to the forum x Posted by TRIP5
Thank you for the advice trips and everybody else. gna take it on board and let u know how i do
Seriously, if anyone follows the daft advice of playing in 30p or 60p DYM's, you need your head examined - i repeat, never play these, even if you only have a quid in your account. The rake at this limit is 20%,so if you cannot afford to deposit more funds, go on the cash and build your bankroll up. At £1 DYM its 15% rake, at £2 its 12.5% rake,and the rake only falls to 10% when playing £3 DYM's or greater.
all the way home and mug him ,
a easy touch the guy is a wimp !
no really follow his advice on double your money ,
for a few weeks , if you get lucky ,
then move up the stakes as you go on your merry way !
dym, yes the rake is not good but you get more play for your money and better chance of building a roll with it
gl 2 u
...this way you have a minimum of 3x buy ins thus utilising your br whilst not getting spanked by a 2 card outer for your whole stack
Good Luck Sir & welcome to the forum