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So I guess I am religaphobic

DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,288
I don't usually post serious topics or political/religious topics on here. For a few reasons, firstly I don't like to be too divisive or controversial here, and secondly because in the past on forums when I tried to be serious, I just got ridiculed so I ended up just been silly.

I had previously mentioned posting a thread explaining my objections to Christianity, However I was made aware threads cannot be Islamophobic. The problem is Islamophobic tends to be a subjective term depending on whom you ask. For some people Islamophobic is saying anything that does not agree with Islamic teachings let alone criticising the Koran or the claims of the Islamic faith. For example, I was fired from a job for been Islamophobic for simply saying I do not believe in God. I didn't even mention Islam in anyway but was told This was very offensive to a girl who happened to be a Muslim. For others Islamophobic basically means I would have to actually incite violence against Muslims.

I did not hear any issue with Christianphobic or Hinduphobic etc. I could not feel right about criticising one faith if I cannot criticise another faith. Frankly I think all religions are truth claims your claiming x to be the truth whatever that is. In my opinion any truth claim should be free to ridicule and criticise. I do not believe that any religion should be free from criticism or ridicule.

So, what brought me back to making this thread? Well, I found myself pretty angry recently to read more of what is going on in America the whole abortion thing.

I believe there was a thread about roe vs wade though I cannot find it, but here I am talking about more than abortion. I believe all religion to be irrational nonsense however, I don't care if others believe in nonsense so long as this does not affect me or other non-consenting people. If someone wants to go to their religious place of worship on whatever day of the week and or restrict what food or drink, they consume based on their belief, or how they live their life based on that belief I am fine with that. it's none of my business and I really don't care I am a strong believer of live and let live. The problem comes when they try to dictate to me what I can and cannot eat/drink or how I should live my life.

What has happened in America is outrageous and some politicians there are actually trying to outright outlaw abortion in all circumstances no exceptions what so ever!

So effectively if a 12-year-old girl is raped by her uncle, leading to an incest baby and it is found the baby will be born mentally and physically disabled and likely won't live past there first year of live and the pregnancy if it goes to term has a high chance of killing the 12 year old girl, and thus she gets an abortion she would be charged for homocide and face life in prison without parole if she is very lucky and avoids the death penalty.

"They were adamant that a woman who receives an abortion should receive the same criminal consequences as one who drowns her baby.
Under a bill they promoted, pregnant people could face murder charges even if they were raped or doctors determined the procedure was needed to save their own life. Doctors who attempted to help patients conceive through in-vitro fertilization, a fertility treatment used by millions of Americans, could also be locked up for destroying embryos"

"Gunter, meanwhile, said he disagrees with the medical establishment and does not believe abortion is ever medically necessary."

"Most of these 'arguments' are attempts to impose a minority religious view on the majority of our citizens," she said. "This is not a matter of belief or opinion. This is a highly inappropriate way to use our legislative system."

"That day, he said he watched 15 women go inside the clinic and "murder their children." One of them, Gunter said, couldn't have been older than 13 and he believed she was being forced to undergo the procedure by her mother.
"She's a child, and her mother pulled her into that clinic," said Gunter. "That day changed my life. I went home, and I was newly married... (my wife) was pregnant with our first child. I'd been seeing ultrasound pictures of my son and I thought to myself 'My God, someone killed a child just like my son, same age as my son, looks like my son. How can they do that?"

"He and five other men addressed the crowd at the state capitol, citing proverbs and describing women who get abortions as murderers."

as I am writing this my Girlfriend has walked in and told me a woman has been beaten to death by "morality police" in Iran for not wearing a Hijab

This is why I am religaphobic because religion ultimately tries to impose their irrational views and way of life on other people. Whether it is the Taliban seizing alcohol and pouring it away and denying women education in Afghanistan or whether it's the abolitionists in the states pushing for an outright ban on abortion. Or gay people being stoned in backward countries.

Too often I am annoyed by others trying to impose their way of life on me or others. If your religion tells you that you cannot drink caffeine or smoke and you therefore choose to refrain from that (Mormon faith I know because there is a back story of doublemes time with the Mormons but that is another story for another day) then fine, no problem with that my issue is when you then try to force that view on me.

I don't believe any religion should beyond criticism, no religion has ever provided concrete evidence that there claim is true if they actually did it would be accepted as scientific fact and I would possibly belong to that religion.

people should be free to express whatever ideas they wish so long as this does not involve defamation slander or incitement to violence. people should be free to follow whatever religious faith they wish to without harassment or abuse so long as it does not infringe on the well-being and freedom of others.

I am yet to come across a religious faith that has concrete evidence for it or that does not cause unnecessary human suffering. In order for me to convert to one faith I would need both I have yet to find a faith that fits the predicates for either.

this is why I am religaphobic if you keep your faith and lifestyle to yourself and don't try to force it on others, I could not care less believe whatever irrational nonsense you want so long as you do not force it on others. Unfortunately, that is rarely the case with religion.


  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,288
    briefly my strongest rejections to Christianity Islam and the faiths that teach reincarnation are the following.

    Christianity you talk about **** being eternal damnation maximum suffering all eternity, there is no way of getting round this, this is immoral in the extreme no one In human history including Hitler, Putin, Ian Huntly or anyone else deserves eternal punishment for finite action. What penalty would I inflict if I could? I do not know but I feel that the punishment should match the suffering caused, by definition no finite action causes infinite suffering so no infinite action should warrant infinite punishment.

    Islam claims their text is the direct word of God so can never be wrong and is perfect in every way. this is incredibly dangerous there is not sufficient evidence for this and for any ideology or belief to claim that it can never be wrong is dangerous. I should not need to explain why, I could come up with a political or moral philosophy or ideology, and you could critique it and potentially lead to me changing that idea or abandoning it entirely, Islam though has in its very fabric an innate resistance to ever changing because it claims to be flawless and the direct word of God.

    Reincarnation faiths, generally the idea is that you are reincarnated based on your behaviour in this life, and this life was a reincarnation based on your behaviour in previous life's. I mean the first thing that comes to mind is the problem of free will, though that can get very complex I believe Harry Frankfurt brilliantly explained how one can have free will and yet be fully determined in his brilliant book "the importance of what we care about" I could not do that justice here so I will not attempt to that would require a 3000 word essay I know this because I once wrote a 3000 page essay on this topic. So, I fully accept that one can be fully determined and yet have free will, Though I do find this problematic, nevertheless. In order for reincarnation to work to learn a certain lesson or as reward or punishment one needs to have their entire life mapped out for them, and further therefore every life they would ever lead. This does feel wrong but further this again has little or no evidence to justify it and it sends the message that someone who is disabled or homeless was a person that was bad in a past life, so they deserve their fate this effectively actively discourages charity based on no to little evidence.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    To say that irrational beliefs should have no impact upon upon the way you want to live your life is like saying I don't believe in gravity.

    The very framework of law by which we live is as a result of edicts passed down from a higher authority, whether you believe that to be Yarweh, Allah, Shrivna or any other.

    The world was shaped by the very thing that you **** a snoot at so to pretend it has no relevance is somewhat interesting.

    Your thoughts regarding that other place are amusing if somewhat baffling, but I can only assume that you are one of the billions who believe that sin and wrongdoing has levels of seriousness. It doesn't.

    Yes Bible belt America is a stupid fkd up world. I have American relatives who go to Church and claim that they are good Christian folk yet they are staunch Republicans, anti welfare system and pro gun lobby. They are not going to enjoy the ending I feel.

    As for being anti Christian that's absolutely fine by me, I am not here to convert anybody, merely to proclaim Christ and that's it.

    The great thing is If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter because I won't know I'm wrong so no harm no foul.

    Those who don't believe had better hope they're right.

    Have a brilliant day, week, year.

  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    So just to confirm. You’re not going to write a 3000 word essay?
  • Allan23Allan23 Member Posts: 877
    edited September 2022

    As for being anti Christian that's absolutely fine by me, I am not here to convert anybody, merely to proclaim Christ and that's it.

    The great thing is If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter because I won't know I'm wrong so no harm no foul.

    Those who don't believe had better hope they're right.

    “Its better to be Christian because if you’re not and you’re wrong, you’re going to he11, and deservedly so.” Utterly deranged stuff.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,288

    To say that irrational beliefs should have no impact upon upon the way you want to live your life is like saying I don't believe in gravity.

    The very framework of law by which we live is as a result of edicts passed down from a higher authority, whether you believe that to be Yarweh, Allah, Shrivna or any other.

    The world was shaped by the very thing that you **** a snoot at so to pretend it has no relevance is somewhat interesting.

    Your thoughts regarding that other place are amusing if somewhat baffling, but I can only assume that you are one of the billions who believe that sin and wrongdoing has levels of seriousness. It doesn't.

    Yes Bible belt America is a stupid fkd up world. I have American relatives who go to Church and claim that they are good Christian folk yet they are staunch Republicans, anti welfare system and pro gun lobby. They are not going to enjoy the ending I feel.

    As for being anti Christian that's absolutely fine by me, I am not here to convert anybody, merely to proclaim Christ and that's it.

    The great thing is If I'm wrong, it doesn't matter because I won't know I'm wrong so no harm no foul.

    Those who don't believe had better hope they're right.

    Have a brilliant day, week, year.


    I am sure we all have irrational beliefs somewhere, but if I find that one or more of my beliefs are irrational then I would stop having that belief. There can be beliefs which one believes they rationally believe but they cannot rationally justify to others. They could still rationally justify this to themselves.

    For example, suppose I was abducted by aliens last night (I was not this is just an example/thought experiment) then my experience would be rational reason to believe aliens are abducting people, but I would not have rational evidence/reason to justify this to others.

    There are experiences I have had which leads me to conclusions I would struggle to justify rationally to others however should I find reason to suggest my conclusions from that are irrational then I would change my conclusions.

    With regards to sin not having levels of seriousness? Really? Okay then so the girl struggling to pay the bills who rightly or wrongly decides to shop lift from Tesco's has committed the sin of stealing/theft. Her sin is just as serious as the serial paedophile rapist? she deserves the same punishment? I find that absolutely absurd. Absolutely I believe certain crimes/ immoral acts are more serious than others. I am sure you could find some examples of cases where it is difficult to say which is worse, but I certainly would not equate them all to the same bracket.

    Religion full stop any religion is messed up, I can try to debate which is worse Christianity, Islam, Hinduism or etc etc but that would be a waste of energy they all have their faults I would more define myself as anti-religion full stop then been anti a specific faith.

    However, if we want to focus on Christianity then actually the anti-abortion or abortion abolitionists arguably do not have a good case within the confines of Christianity since there are passages in the bible that arguably advocate for abortion in certain circumstances though this is not regarding Rape or the health of the mother but rather whether the Women was unfaithful. However, the Bible fully justifies slavery and has homophobic values. Do you support slavery?

    In regard to your referencing Pascals wager, there is also a claim out there about a super intelligent computer that will come into existence in the future that will punish anyone with eternal suffering who was not actively working with every fibre of their being to bring about its existence. Supposedly this computer will travel back in time will be all knowing and all powerful. Of course, this involves Time travel which we do not even know for sure whether that is actually possible, but it could be? I would think there is more rational reason to believe in this supercomputer then there is to believe in the Christian god by this logic then I should dedicate my entire existence to trying to create this as if I don't believe this and work towards its creation, I had better hope I am right? A guy on YouTube called Darkmatter2525 has made a few videos discussing alternatives to pascals wager whereby the people who believe are the ones who suffer eternal negative consequences whilst those that do not are spared. There are likely many numerous ideas I can come up with that have infinite consequences for getting wrong many that will contradict other ideas as well so no when you think this through that argument does not work.

    Further if the Christian faith is true, I am going to **** whether I believe or not, because quite frankly I could never respect, let alone worship a deity that would allow a system of eternal suffering for anyone. This god, if they exist would be able to see that in my thoughts and would condemn me regardless of whether I accept Jesus and repent or not.

    Also, another flaw with pascals wager, it's not a simple accept the claim or not. No, if I buy into that argument and become a Christian simply accepting Christianity is not enough. I would have to do two things if I converted to Christianity
    1. Spend my entire life doing absolutely everything I can to save as many people as possible from ****
    2. Work towards the annihilation and extinction of mankind with the utmost determination.

    See, if I truly believe in ****, I would have to devote my entire life to saving as many people from that fate as possible by any means necessary. everything else is mathematically insignificant. Thus, I would waste what is likely the only life I will ever get trying to preach irrational nonsense non-stop. Further, any human being born is potentially a person who could end up in **** better to save them from that risk by making sure they are not born. According to google the world's population is 7.753 billion people. Now every single person has a probability between 0 and 1 of going to **** assuming **** exists. hence the absolute max value of people that could be saved by the continuing existence of mankind is 7.753 billion. hence mankind should not be allowed to exist for long enough for 7.753 billion more people to be born who could potentially head to ****. Thus, rather than being "pro-life", if I was a Christian, I would have to be Anti life Instead of outlawing abortion I would have to strive to attempt to legally mandate abortion in all cases no exceptions.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    What total bo11ocks.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728
    Amen to that
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,288

    What total bo11ocks.

    well thats me fully debunked way to go thats how you win an argument just say the other person is speaking ****. Btw that was sarcasm.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Yeah my comment was was just meant to stir the pot. I will give a full right of reply answer over the next few days but right now I'm commuting between Home, Wales, Scotland and back to Wales.
  • HurleyR95HurleyR95 Member Posts: 2
    Religious people, on average, are a lot happier than those without faith. Religion has become less followed in western countries and you can see how unhealthy and immoral our populations have become as a result.

    Abortion should be banned, even relating to those very rare cases you stated. Committing an evil act to amend another evil act is ludicrous. Some states want abortion to be legal all the way up to 9 months. It is murder. All life is special.
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,530
    Opened a box of frogs with this post.
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