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Avatar choice

phil12ukphil12uk Member Posts: 2,856
edited August 2009 in Poker Chat
OK why do you choose the avatar you have on Sky Poker? I choose the 'hip and happening' kid with the beany hat cos I def am NOT a hip and happening kid lol.


  • RichiSwiftRichiSwift Member Posts: 149
    edited August 2009
    I'm a fan of Johnny Chan so I use the avatar that looks a lot like him.
  • razorkevrazorkev Member Posts: 1,364
    edited August 2009
    i picked the same as u phil,,as im very cool and hip as you
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited August 2009
    I use miami vice man in the white suit. Looked like the sort of character who might appear in a Grand Theft Auto game.

  • repton3repton3 Member Posts: 185
    edited August 2009
    I used to use the silhouette of a bloke because I thought it looked mysterious, then I realised I was being a plonker (and also convinced myself after a bad run it MUST be the bad luck brought on by using that avatar) so I changed to the swish looking bloke in the white, because my hair looked a little bit like his.  I've had it shaved off since so I'm half tempted to change to the fat bloke now just for a change.

    Any plans for more or even custom avatars hmm sky??
  • Sky_RichSky_Rich Member Posts: 3,837
    edited August 2009
    In Response to Re: Avatar choice:
    I used to use the silhouette of a bloke because I thought it looked mysterious, then I realised I was being a plonker (and also convinced myself after a bad run it MUST be the bad luck brought on by using that avatar) so I changed to the swish looking bloke in the white, because my hair looked a little bit like his.  I've had it shaved off since so I'm half tempted to change to the fat bloke now just for a change. Any plans for more or even custom avatars hmm sky??
    Posted by repton3

    This is on the road map for the coming months, i can't be definite with a date but keep your eyes in the forum - we will announce all the new functionality we have, here !

    all the best

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