I usualy play a lot of sit and gos and do ok, mainly to bump up my bankroll to play tornys which is where i shine and make most of my bigger wins. But sometimes it feels like 1 step forward and 2 steps back in sit n go. Most sit and goes that people play on here are scary and i do really well and end up being chip leader until the blinds get big and then people just shove and suck out quite often, which puts all my hard work to waste. So i have started playing cash tables only low stakes at the moment, i did play high stakes about a year and a half ago and made around 2 thousand pounds in 2 days from a £20 bank roll, but then lost most of it through extreme bad luck and nasty beats in about a week. I learned a huge lesson in bankroll management and varience at that time and havnt really been back since and thought i was invincible, it wasnt cos i played bad but i tried to win back what i had. Yes it hurt and put me off big time as i would do really well then hit a full house and lose everything ect. I play only cash games live and do really well out of it but online play to long and that was my problem. But i have now over the last couple of days gone back to cash tables. I must say im making more profit and making about 18 pound per session and only starting with a £2 buy in on - dont laugh the 2p-4p blind tables. Its amazing how the play is so different and see so many people buying in with about £1.50 and shoving with any 2 cards to make a quick double up which ends up doubleing up me. Its like shooting fish in a barrell lol. I maybee premature but am going to stick with it for a while and see how it goes. Not only that the leugue points bump up much quicker and you get your bonus money. I around 470 points just playing sit n goes last month and got nothing even though i won a ton of games no fair i say. Anyways id like to hear about anyone else who have changed to cash tables from sit n goes and see how you find it in comparison.
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Been working so far and really enjoying the game more. Went and did a couple of sit and goes and got sucked out on with stupid people calling and hitting runner runner after i push. No worries with the cash i can take my time blinds are always the same. Sit and go Flopwit stupid!!!
watch this if ur new to low stakes cash
In Response to Re: SIT N GO to CASH:
TY. hes one of my favourite poker player too..........and he gives great advise on his strategy videos, im glad someone found this useful.................. anyways good luck on the tables m8