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Tell us about your biggest &/or most memorable MTT Result. (Feel free to chirp).

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706
edited September 2023 in Poker Chat
After @Vertigo won the SPT at the weekend he was absolutely buzzing, as it was his biggest result ever by a long, long way.

It reminded me of some of my (exceptionally rare) successes, & how they made me feel.

So tell us about your most memorable result ever. Live or Online, & does not matter if a £2 Online Freezeout or a big buck buy-in "Live - it's all relative. Does not have to be a 1st place.

Over to you.


  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,794
    Back in the day Full Tilt used to run 2 nightly $20 Jackpots starting an hour apart with a bonus for final tabling both.

    I can remember using nearly half of my bankroll to enter one, just to see what it was like. I can't remember the exact figures but I played so tight it was unreal as I thought everybody else was like 1,000 times better.

    7 hours later, I was on the F.T and loving it. it seemed like I knew what everybody was holding and the exact plays to make. I ended up finishing 4th for $1200 after over 8 hours play and thinking that I had this poker thing solved.

    Less than a week later I final tabled a Poker Stars mtt for around $700 and really thought I was about to explode Luke Shwartz style onto the poker scene.

    Having said that though the most satisfying was a 4th place in a UKOPS thingy a couple of years ago for £800 plus change. It meant more because it was on my "Home" site and against people who I respect as players. Also it was via a free ticket won in a forum comp.

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,929
    Having bust all my tournies one Friday pi$$ed and fed up cuz i only had £22 in me account i managed to reg for the mini with a few seconds of LR left and not realizing it was a rebuy i just thought stuff it re-bought and added on leaving me with 7 quid
    A few hours later i was jumping round the living room celebrating the win , i remember it run into xmas eve , think i won 4 or 5 hundred quid though that's a bit hazy cuz it were about 10 years ago

    I played one Saturday night , i was completely smashed , mashing buttons didn't even know what tournies i played , didn't know what time i went bed or anything
    Logged in the next day and found i come 2nd in the mini for £150 apparently @ange1970 beat me heads up , i think the mini at the time had only been running for a week or two after it was introduced due to @MAXALLY idea

    I'm brilliant at poker :p
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    edited September 2023
    on sky, my most memorable game was a ukops mini, it was back when they had sky poker tv channel, i actually came 2nd, but the day after it felt like a 1st, i was telling everyone all the details for weeks after, i could see folk saying "oh no, here he comes again to tell the poker story!" haha

    i remember getting heads up, and losing all my you do when you are freaking out cause you made the final two, if i remember correctly I was getting **** cards and being bullied, so I decided enough was enough and it was time to make a stand, with a mighty 57 off, (why, I still do not know to this day) haha, shoved it all in on the turn or the flop, after opponent betted out, my memory is a little patchy, anyway it was a complete bluff, got insta called too and that was that.........i always wondered if that hand was shown on the tele........coulda been my 15 mins of fame!

    I have had other memorable games on other sites, most recent amazing wins for me have included, a sunday 8-game mini octopus (324 players) and a micro saturday KO (3922 players) both on stars, i was proper buzzing after those, the boys at work were once again diving for cover when they seen me turning up to recite every hand :)

    that 8game heads up, is the most enjoyable match i have ever had, it was just one of those perfect games, win some hands lose some hands, fold here, fold there, magic those mixed games the micro saturday game, i remember texting my mate at every break, telling him Im still in there and how many left, i defo had a bit of the run good that night, one hand i shoved with QQ and the button called with AA, but i caught a q on the flop, i did manage a few huge folds as well that night, including kings, ak, aq and possibly aces.......they give you a wee video once you win a tourney on stars, its a nice wee extra, anyway the final hand in that game the sb shoved with ATo and I snapped with

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,706

    Yikes, what a way to exit the WSOP Main.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited September 2023
    Back when i had slightly more idea than i do now I had a few decent results. one that i’ve never forgotten isn’t for the right reasons. I was a bit of a numpty.
    I had only been playing about a year.
    I played the Thursday night £50 rebuy at Gala Notts.
    I got down to the last 3. There was a big chipleader and myself and the other guy who i’d become friendly with over the year had similar chips.
    This was going to be our biggest cash whatever happened. I can’t recall the exact amounts but 1st was north of 3k
    My mate suggested that as the chipleader was definitely going to win we should just split 2nd and 3rd.
    We tentatively put it to the chipleader. He gave it due consideration and then ‘reluctantly’ agreed but on the proviso that we were the ones who tipped the dealers and waitresses (Not 100%
    We snap agreed.
    I’ve never again seen a player leave the table as fast as he did. I got £1870 for my troubles.
    I had a weird thing where if i ever won i’d buy something instantly as a kind of something to show for my wizardry.
    So on the way home i popped into the 24 hour Asda at about 4 in the morning and bought the latest Spice Girls album. (Not 100% it was the Spice Girls)

    I have been reminded off the superb deal i agreed to on numerous occasions since. Some even suggested that it was the worst deal of all time.
    Possibly, just possibly, they may be right

    I didn’t care though. I was rather chuffed with the win.
  • Bean81Bean81 Member Posts: 634
    Two random stories:

    1. I'm the first person to win a tournament on Pokerstars using a mobile phone. The win was a massive £50.

    2. I won a freeroll series on Party, where the winner played three HUSNGs against Boris Becker in Rozvadov (just before he was declared bankrupt). The evening was a charity event with Trickett, Pads and a bunch of German celebs I didn't recognise. I won 2-1 for $10k, despite being drunk and playing badly in front of the Twitch cameras. It's easy to see how people make mistakes on TV.
  • FORDAKIDZFORDAKIDZ Member Posts: 226
    I got home from work one Friday and entered a $2 satty, got through to the $50 on Saturday.Got through into the $500 final on Sunday. 2am Monday morning i have a $6.5k package to WPT Fallsview.

    I made it to the dinner break on day one :(

    Stuff poker dreams are made of.
  • NatnugNatnug Member Posts: 8
    PKRPar said:

    I won a flip against @Natnug on 21 September 2020. Great day. Great memories.

    i remember losing that as well. the first and last i hope i lose
  • NatnugNatnug Member Posts: 8
    My first ever memorable win was a $1.10 rebuy about 7/8 years ago (well I came 2nd) for $4.5k on PokerStars with about 4000 entrants. I think I spent it all up in a week on getting drunk and other ingenious activities. Bankroll management wasn't a thing for me back then :D
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