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The Mandela effect

stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
This is basically when people are adamant something happened mostly in the past but sometimes in the present that never ever happened , it's called this because some people think that Mandela died in prison in the 80s hence the Mandela effect
To give another example , Rich uncle pennybags also known as the monopoly man people say ,no sware , he wore a monocle when infact he didn't
Yesterday i bought some Blue Ribands the tasty snack , i say to the wife i've bought Blue Ribands she says , no , don't you mean Blue Ribbons , you see , the mandela effect , she thought for years and years they were called Blue Ribbons , she looked it up and it is indeed a Mandela effect where thousands of people thought Blue Ribands were Blue Ribbons
Has anybody else experienced this ?


  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,371
    C3PO has a silver leg, always has apparently.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,288
    yeah but I remember a whole computer game scenario and story from heros of might and magic 3 which apparently does not exist and never did.

    Then we just given this nonsense that it our mind remember wrong to cover up the truth....
  • Spike4000Spike4000 Member Posts: 282
    oh my god I'm 47 and love blue not sure how to feel about this now.
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,797
    Of course, Blue Ribband was the award for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by ship and later the expression "Blue Ribband" became synonymous with the best or most prestigious, I.E the 100 metres is the Blue Ribband event of the Olympics.

    Got to admit though when it comes to chocolate and wafer confections you can't beat a Tunnocks.
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    Mirror mirror on the wall, is actually magic mirror on the wall, that one gets me, the looney tune or looney toons as well.

    It could just be our bad memory but I prefer the ideas of glitch in the matrix - simulation theory, much more exciting
  • green_beergreen_beer Member Posts: 1,936
    Not Mandela effect, but evidence of the simulation, watch it a few times, mental
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,304
    For years I thought the Wife Annie was 21 because every time anyone asked her how old she was .......she said, twenty one. That's the Annie Effect. !
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666

    Of course, Blue Ribband was the award for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by ship and later the expression "Blue Ribband" became synonymous with the best or most prestigious, I.E the 100 metres is the Blue Ribband event of the Olympics.

    Got to admit though when it comes to chocolate and wafer confections you can't beat a Tunnocks.

    They are called Turnocks. ;)
  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    MAXALLY said:

    Of course, Blue Ribband was the award for the fastest crossing of the Atlantic by ship and later the expression "Blue Ribband" became synonymous with the best or most prestigious, I.E the 100 metres is the Blue Ribband event of the Olympics.

    Got to admit though when it comes to chocolate and wafer confections you can't beat a Tunnocks.

    They are called Turnocks. ;)
    He now sucks them rather than chews them , sorry Mark couldn't help myself ;)
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,530
    If yer talkin Tunnocks it's got to be ....

  • stokefcstokefc Member Posts: 7,930
    You see , i thought they were Turnocks and Mark was right with Tunnocks , this is confusing
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,666
    stokefc said:

    You see , i thought they were Turnocks and Mark was right with Tunnocks , this is confusing

    Its called the Nelson effect mate ;);)
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