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who would u prefer get banned . myself or bookie

aylabaylaaylabayla Member Posts: 25
edited February 2024 in Poker Chat
bookie wished me and my family die of cancer. he also is filled with kids and school jokes. i can be a nob and thought , sky doesnt need us both . we should have a poll and see who should get banned to make life more pleasing for other players. if i was to vote, obviously my vote would be for frog. my reason for this is , he tries to wind me up but, he`s not funny with it and only ever brings in sweaty sock. he has no other material.


  • aylabaylaaylabayla Member Posts: 25
    if i had 4 accounts, all 4 would vote for bookie
  • MISTY4MEMISTY4ME Member Posts: 6,400
    Just Turn Chatbox off...... keep it in Game info and then you don't have to see what anyone is saying..... simples !!

    Hope this helps :)
  • aylabaylaaylabayla Member Posts: 25
    so your saying bookie@ misty?
  • Asho28Asho28 Member Posts: 824
    aylabayla said:

    bookie wished me and my family die of cancer. he also is filled with kids and school jokes. i can be a nob and thought , sky doesnt need us both . we should have a poll and see who should get banned to make life more pleasing for other players. if i was to vote, obviously my vote would be for frog. my reason for this is , he tries to wind me up but, he`s not funny with it and only ever brings in sweaty sock. he has no other material.

    Don't need this sort of thing on the forum mate. Just keep the chat off and don't engage with them. Not going to take sides and no reason why you both can't play poker on here.
  • ToffeeandyToffeeandy Member Posts: 945
    Having thought about it I think @Asho28 should be banned.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,130
    I vote for both
  • mumsiemumsie Member Posts: 8,361
    Young Love :blush:

  • EnutEnut Member Posts: 3,670
    This never would have happened when @Tikay10 was at the PLO8 tables, he would have taken you both outside and smacked your backsides, metaphorically speaking obviously.

    Turn off chat.
  • goldongoldon Member Posts: 9,301
    You got to be jokin love.

  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    well people can be openly racist on these forums and there are no repercussions so I dont see either of you getting banned.

    That been said one thing I would not want to see is for this site to just become a popularity contest where by people can just vote on who to ban etc. I dont see that going down well or me wanting to be involved here if that is how we are going to handle things.
  • bbMikebbMike Member Posts: 3,728

    If someone is being racist then let us know and they will absolutely be getting banned. Can we not all just be civil to each other? It's just a game of Poker. Hurling abuse at someone from behind a keyboard because they got lucky or played a hand badly is very sad behaviour.

    These two are the antithesis of civility, check their chat logs and chat ban them both.
  • DoublemeDoubleme Member Posts: 2,286
    bbMike said:

    If someone is being racist then let us know and they will absolutely be getting banned. Can we not all just be civil to each other? It's just a game of Poker. Hurling abuse at someone from behind a keyboard because they got lucky or played a hand badly is very sad behaviour.

    These two are the antithesis of civility, check their chat logs and chat ban them both.
    I havent been racist I assume you didnt follow when i made a comment about racism on the forums it was not involving booker or aylab. I cant comment on whether either of those two have or have not been racist in the past as I havent noticed them much.

  • River_FoxRiver_Fox Member Posts: 139
    I've been called PLENTY of things on here...learn to ignore it. People say stuff on here they wouldn't dare say at a real table. If they are resorting to wishing death on you and family then surely their life must be very very very pathetic indeed. Having nothing better to do than that. you can mute people, do it if it bothers you so much. Equally if you are being a nob then expect it back, the easiest thing is dont be one in the first place!!!!!!!
  • safc71safc71 Member Posts: 1,544
    I vote for sad boy.
    Not the one who drives a French Horizon for a living but the one who does nothing for a living , hopes players get cancer, calls players peado's , had a son then didnt and is a born liar.
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