I did the customer survey today - it seems the questions are geared around making a big decision about the future of channel 865. Could this be the start of the end of Sky Poker TV?
I did the customer survey today - it seems the questions are geared around making a big decision about the future of channel 865. Could this be the start of the end of Sky Poker TV? Posted by SoLack
In Response to Re: SkyPoker survey : +1 Posted by robc
It won't be! All poker sites are growing year on year, volume is increasing and new players are flocking to the game all the time! Word is getting around that skypoker is a good site with a great community and unique interaction and multi-site payers are coming here...
If anything it will be to gauge current changes and mould future ideas!!
I did the customer survey today - it seems the questions are geared around making a big decision about the future of channel 865. Could this be the start of the end of Sky Poker TV? Posted by SoLack
I did the same survay the one question that caused the most concern was the one that asked would you still play on Sky Poker if it was not on TV.
In Response to SkyPoker survey : I did the same survay the one question that caused the most concern was the one that asked would you still play on Sky Poker if it was not on TV. Posted by Donut64
well would you.i know i would didnt even know about the tv channel when i signed up,still dont know if i,ve bin on the tele(apart from mr rich asking my question to frank wortington) oh and the tp programme which i knew about
I said I would but I half wished Id lied as I would miss the programs and the presenters and analysts! Hopefully we are just reading to deep into things I have a tendency to do so!
Tk and orford just wouldnt be the same if you just see them with type on the forum. Its got to be in person and with the telly its great. Where else would you get to see your hands shown and disected by professionals. Sky has a rare thing and is pioneering to other sites why get rid of that, all that will be left is another average poker site with nothing different to the others. Big mistake if it goes as im sure we all agree. instead of getting rid of it they should be pushing it to show more and on virgin tv aswell as sky. I dont see any advertising for what is there best marketing pitch, get seen on tv playin poker and learning from the pros.
If anything it will be to gauge current changes and mould future ideas!!
Long may our opinion continue to count