I am sure I will not be alone in wishing
@bromley04 all the best in THE GOLIATH tomorrow.
Fantastic effort getting to this stage, with almost 12,000 entries.
Great bloke, great player.
All the best Adam!
Mrs Bromley
@Bromley023 will be proud (if not a little nervous) I am sure! Just hit the cocktails Natalie, and enjoy!
Great, fun and kind couple, huge supporters of
@Sky_Poker, who can both play a bit too!

Thanks Graham, & well done Adam, VBOL today.
He's done well whatever happens today.
.....that's the Burnley Season Tickets secured
Hey, where did you finish? I was curious to see the FT of 9 agreed a deal?!
Well played!
Adam finished 22nd for a very handsome £6,000.
The Top 9 did a Deal, I believe;
Tikay - thank you for updating on my finishing position. Always slightly stings to come so close to such big money payouts but you have to run very well across three days of a tournament like Goliath so I really can't complain about £6k from a £200 buy in!
It really was very exciting to come back for day 3 but just couldn't get any cards to get anything going in the end.
Thanks again for all the support. Next year's aim now is to finish 21st or better!!
Well played Adam nice score
The "competitor" in me, would have liked to see how it would have played out to a finish.
I think they should at least leave a fair chunk aside for the winner, (and potentially 2nd too) so we get a "proper winner"
Just my thoughts. I am not a great fan of deals tbh, but I can understand it in such a big field comp, but leave some aside for the winner and let it play out "properly" .
Take out £20K do the ICM, then winner gets extra £15K and 2nd extra £5K, would be ideal. Doesn't make a huge difference to what 3rd to 9th will get and it remains a "serious comp" for the win.
Great job once again @bromley04 !
Agree completely with StayorGo on the 9 way chop