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Who won what, Thursday 29th August. Main goes to nervesof, great efforts by thedazzman & Swog

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    This day last year

    "A really nice set of numbers last night, right across the board. Only the SPT Semi disappointed (8 runners), but that's mainly because a lot of players play the feeders for cash.

    @Froozle took Avenger Main, & followed up with 2nd in MidEx. Based on Sharky numbers (not wholly accurate, it must be said) he's now just a few hundred quid shy of £150,000 of MTT profit on Sky Poker. Amazing really, especially for such a small site. 2nd was @IamAll_En & he collected over £1,160, which was better than anything he achieved in August.

    The Mini went to @avabob for what I imagine was a personal best. It was his 2nd Mini win (previous was a Gold Rush) & he's run 5th in a Mini Avenger previously too.

    In the £110 BWBH, it was another two-Tony affair, this time @TONY509 getting the better of @tonyp142. There was an eye watering hand HU when @tonyp142 had the Aces & @TONY509 with A-K off was close to drawing dead, but he somehow 4 flushed it with - literally - a runner-runner-runner-runner. They are both grown-ups though, so we did not see any of the ridiculous chatbox abuse we often see, especially in the lower stakes stuff. Honestly, folks getting exercised & abusing each other in bowl MTT's is the dumbest thing ever.

    @MikeyW94 has been going along nicely of late & had another decent sesh, winning the Turbo, 5th in the Main & 6th in the Quickdraw which was won by @destinycod .

    @claudel9 had a spectacular August & got September off to a nice start by winning the Rebuy BH for the 2nd time in 11 nights.

    @Tastysnack seems to be on the upgrade & made 4 FT's, 1st in Mega, 5th in Turbo, 6th in Rebuy BH & 3rd in a £500 BH.

    SPT Manchester seats were won by @wineli & @bigfatfish both of whom are SPT regulars. Not sure what happened here, but with 5 players left @EBBERDON had around 14,000 chips with the 2nd placed player on 4,000, so there must have been a nasty coming together or two.

    That's it for today, some great televised sport awaits, most especially Brighton v Newcastle."
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603


    Am travelling up to Manchester for the SPT today & so, as I mentioned yesterday, these daily reports will be "Lite" until I'm back home on Monday or Tuesday. However, I'll try & do a brief update this morning as I'm currently a little ahead of schedule.

    Traffic was a little thin last night, only around £100 of overlay in the Featured stuff, but quite surprising given there was no Live televised football.

    The Main came in at £4,140 with @nervesof getting home ahead of @thedazzman & @Swog. It was the 2nd time this year @nervesof has won a Main this year, & in both cases it was Hitman, & in both cases he got in via £1.80 All-In sat, which is pretty neat. The previous occasion was in February when traffic was much higher, & he got £1,200, last night's win being considerably less at some £720. Nice work though. A very impressive effort by @thedazzman who was 2nd, as he was also 2nd in Monday's Marksman Main. Twice runner-up in 4 nights is a bit special. @Swog seems to be super hot right now too. Last Friday he won BWBH & Turbo, plus 2nd in Avenger Main, on Tuesday he was 2nd in Sheriff & 3rd in Quickdraw, & last night 3rd in the Main, so he's made 2 Main FT's in less than a week too. Good work by all three of them.

    @kevg14 won the Mini, that's his fourth Mini win I believe, & he was 5th in 7 @ 7 on Wednesday. One of those 4 Mini wins was a UKOPS, & one of the others was an Avenger. Runner-up last night was @Collabo who may or may not be that "you don't wanna do that" Harry Enfield character.

    The ridiculously prolific @seikus won Sheriff. Has won the Sunday Major 4 times, which is not a record, but very few can better that.

    Reload went to @kkennedy & I'm fairly sure that's his thread debut. However, when researching him, I came across a Post about him earlier this year, which I found quite amusing...

    "theres a player called kkenady hes call every hand with 52 72 95 86 and hes won every hand fking rigged"

    Posts like that amuse me in a way, and I'm sorry, but don't tell me your "it's rigged" or bad beat stories please because there's no sympathy from me whatsoever. Read or watch the news every day & see what bad beats real people in real life have to accept. Meh. And keep playing however you want @kkennedy it's your money, so you can play any way you wish.

    The £800 BH went to @1317 who I see collected £3,300 in 2017 for winning something called the "£15,000 B/Hunter Champion HR W4". I have no recollection of what that was, have you?

    The last SPT Semi Final resulted in seats going to @TIMBER & @L_ with £50 going to @bakersdoze.

    That's it I'm afraid. I did say it would be short...

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£800)

    150 entries, £50 overlay

    @1317 300000 1 £115.81 + £44.39 Head Prizes 9

    @lloydtwig 0 2 £69.49 + £17.01 Head Prizes 5

    @Jubbles69 0 3 £42.50 + £17.98 Head Prizes 8

    @jonsyaces 0 4 £33.36 + £26.90 Head Prizes 10

    @craigyb22 0 5 £28.48 + £19.67 Head Prizes 4

    @Colfrew2 0 6 £23.97 + £7.64 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£770)

    110 entries

    @blablabla 220000 1 £107.61 + £72.35 Head Prizes 9

    @_burnsy_ 0 2 £65.64 + £22.18 Head Prizes 6

    @bulgy 0 3 £40.42 + £46.11 Head Prizes 12

    @SNOOPY616_ 0 4 £32.53 + £15.78 Head Prizes 6

    @ponulab04 0 5 £27.72 + £21.33 Head Prizes 6

    @bbMike 0 6 £23.87 + £2.63 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,165)

    94 entries 85 rebuys 54 addons

    @dave62 574000 1 £166.01 + £106.68 Head Prizes 8

    @urabanhust 0 2 £102.52 + £24.61 Head Prizes 4

    @Super_Oli 0 3 £63.49 + £38.14 Head Prizes 9

    @chippy102 0 4 £51.26 + £15.02 Head Prizes 5

    @Ollie2 0 5 £42.81 + £53.52 Head Prizes 11

    @loololollo 0 6 £36.12 + £26.80 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £33 entry £4,000 Hitman Bounty Hunter (£4,140)

    116 entries 22 rebuys

    @nervesof 690000 1 £578.57 + £141.64 Head Prizes 4

    @thedazzman 0 2 £352.94 + £132.42 Head Prizes 4

    @Swog 0 3 £217.35 + £33.75 Head Prizes 3

    @MrPooch 0 4 £174.91 + £271.02 Head Prizes 13

    @skyekick06 0 5 £149.04 + £90.53 Head Prizes 4

    @MrDooWop 0 6 £128.34 + £47.11 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £5.50 entry £1,250 Mini Hitman (£1,250)

    249 entries, £5 overlay

    @kevg14 498000 1 £166.29 + £49.06 Head Prizes 6

    @Collabo 0 2 £99.14 + £60.62 Head Prizes 15

    @7omos 0 3 £59.61 + £18.28 Head Prizes 6

    @facey08 0 4 £47.06 + £17.37 Head Prizes 6

    @BttrThnHec 0 5 £39.85 + £15.47 Head Prizes 5

    @oilyrag 0 6 £33.26 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)

    49 entries, £20 overlay

    @Fabraclass 490000 1 £188.70 + £105.38 Head Prizes 6

    @davtherav 0 2 £112.20 + £34.97 Head Prizes 3

    @micropro 0 3 £76.50 + £46.81 Head Prizes 4

    @Super_Oli 0 4 £56.10 + £19.93 Head Prizes 2

    @lee_long 0 5 £40.80 + £30 Head Prizes 4

    @fitzy24 0 6 £35.70 + £25.55 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,000)

    17 entries 3 rebuys

    @seikus 100000 1 £250 + £187.11 Head Prizes 5

    @Awoken 0 2 £150 + £87.89 Head Prizes 3

    @StayOrGo 0 3 £100 + £51.56 Head Prizes 2

    @5ausages 0 4 £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @Drewett 0 5 £56.25 Head Prizes 3

    @Super_Oli 0 6 £56.25 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£918)

    102 entries

    @Fabraclass 306000 1 £128.29 + £81.08 Head Prizes 8

    @bbMike 0 2 £78.26 + £36.49 Head Prizes 6

    @K1ng_Airk0 0 3 £48.20 + £27.40 Head Prizes 5

    @gogogadget 0 4 £38.79 + £28.14 Head Prizes 8

    @wothef 0 5 £33.05 + £4.22 Head Prizes 1

    @steveysee 0 6 £28.46 + £6.76 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,557)

    186 entries 206 rebuys 127 addons

    @kkennedy 1419000 1 £210.19 + £93.30 Head Prizes 11

    @Lucky790 0 2 £126.90 + £26.70 Head Prizes 6

    @NoProHere_ 0 3 £76.68 + £41.79 Head Prizes 7

    @bryan1953 0 4 £60.33 + £19.88 Head Prizes 5

    @PJS75 0 5 £51.38 + £23.60 Head Prizes 7

    @begbiekoch 0 6 £42.82 + £16.24 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,000)

    31 entries, 1 rebuy, £40 overlay

    @GFKIJKLL 160000 1 £208 + £180.47 Head Prizes 7

    @Rehan2010 0 2 £130 + £51.33 Head Prizes 4

    @NChanning 0 3 £78 + £36.56 Head Prizes 3

    @ScottMo1 0 4 £57.20 + £30.94 Head Prizes 2

    @Morris707 0 5 £46.80 + £28.83 Head Prizes 2

    @Swog 0 6 £22.50 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,380)

    30 entries 18 rebuys 21 addons

    @Drewett 180000 1 £255.30 + £250.89 Head Prizes 8

    @loololollo 0 2 £172.50 + £89.41 Head Prizes 4

    @Panda8 0 3 £103.50 + £54.38 Head Prizes 3

    @PAPABURG 0 4 £82.80 + £16.40 Head Prizes 1

    @utang 0 5 £75.90 + £20.63 Head Prizes 1

    @Bruno2111 0 6 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£860)

    43 entries

    @return 129000 1 £159.10 + £92.46 Head Prizes 3

    @Panda8 0 2 £94.60 + £78.76 Head Prizes 7

    @xkizx119 0 3 £64.50 + £30 Head Prizes 4

    @KazuyaDW 0 4 £47.30 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1

    @nicknat118 0 5 £34.40 + £28.13 Head Prizes 3

    @rooster666 0 6 £30.10 + £22.50 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£265)

    53 entries

    @strube 159000 1 £49.02 + £27.31 Head Prizes 6

    @bbMike 0 2 £29.15 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1

    @Spartan3 0 3 £19.88 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1

    @jasonAA 0 4 £14.57 + £20.64 Head Prizes 8

    @w4rlock 0 5 £10.60 + £8.04 Head Prizes 2

    @XYZMALCOLM 0 6 £9.28 + £2.34 Head Prizes 1
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    SPT Manchester Semi (11 entries)

    @TIMBER 21390 1 SPT Manchester Seat

    @L_ 11610 2 SPT Manchester Seat

    @bakersdoze 0 3 £50

    @ajaybhadre 0 4
    @Captn_Asbo 0 5
    @karlluke 0 6
    @wineli 0 7
    @gr0wapear 0 8
    @Chapperz 0 9
    @heellloooo 0 10
    @AAhpf 0 11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (568 entries)

    Top 20

    @davtherav 1136000 1 £100

    @kijj 0 2 £60

    @botneck 0 3 £60

    @ReaperA 0 4 £40

    @lliston14 0 5 £40

    @callumm18 0 6 £30

    @lillies61 0 7 £30
    @wox1976 0 8 £30
    @leonmatt78 0 9 £30
    @Rokerboy 0 10 £20
    @29Flip 0 11 £20
    @jcon1112 0 12 £20
    @wilcox33 0 13 £20
    @razblue 0 14 £20
    @Swifteyyeu 0 15 £20
    @Lams183 0 16 £20
    @T1bb1tts 0 17 £20
    @pp2 0 18 £20
    @pod36 0 19 £20
    @SavageMonk 0 20 £10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,603

    Sunday Major Freeroll (108 entries)

    @dewdicater 109460 1 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @LittleGJ 76750 2 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @Boysey888 29790 3 £10,000 Sunday Major

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