So as people may or may not know I am off on the company trip i just a few days time. The company I started working for in early summer sometimes do a christmas trip/conference in early december as a networking and team building stuff, where people are taken to another country on this occassion Barbados. the flights all inclusive hotel etc are fully covered.
Also I am paid for the full week I will have to have team bulding exercises and speeches etc all that malarchy, but large parts are just we are free to roam the beach and hotel etc.
I dont think i can post on the forums from another country can I?
Well I am sure many of the community will be left devestated when I am gone from the forums for a whole week.

of course this means I wont be able to post about what is likely the most important football match of the season Southampton vs Chelsea why? because a southampton fan who has been gunning for me will be on the trip and they just happen to be playing Chelsea when I am gone. Whilst we have both been told to lay of mentioning about the football of course whilst words wont be said joyous expressions shortly after the result either side will say more then words ever could so it is very important that Chelsea win that game.

anyway I am def happier to be mostly semi chilling in Barbados and getting paid then working in cold weather here but whilst some may see it as a holiday there is one issue. Company trip means corporate culture which means pc police and everything said and done can be scrutinized. So its not as easy too just relax.

So yeah I guess only in cold uk for like a few more days till next week. Hopefully nuclear war does not break out in this time as I dont want to be seperated from my girlfriend when such an event goes down.
"I dont think i can post on the forums from another country can I?"
Correct, you would automatically have your account suspended.
of course this means I wont be able to post about what is likely the most important football match of the season Southampton vs Chelsea why? because a southampton fan who has been gunning for me will be on the trip and they just happen to be playing Chelsea when I am gone. Whilst we have both been told to lay of mentioning about the football
Well it does get a little wearing for them all (& us here) after the umpteenth time...
Have a great trip, & do try not to get into any arguments & confrontations. Just relax, chill & try to be aware of how wonderful life can be if you look at it the right way.
I now have no assighments no actual work and nothing that I have to worry about having done other then pack and organise the flat for over a week so thats all good.I had a lot of stress with python recently (programing language not an actual snake maybe id be better with the actual snake)
I am actually reasonably likely to get quite a lot of time off over christmass period to so should be a nice december.
As you will be abstaining from Sky Poker forums would you also consider a break from YouTube content and news items?
I would absolutely be interested to be hear how you got on without these social media influences on our brains and how it affects our mental health.
Ive been thinking about for a couple of years about abstaining from doom scrolling on my phone without acting on it, Ive found its shortened my attention span and probably contributed to some of my social anxieties that seem to have crept in over the last few years.
Enjoy your break, seriously, what a great opportunity to find yourself in.
Agree with @mumsie better to be blind than to stress over things you have no control over
Enjoy life you only have one and it's a blink of an eye
Indeed, tell me about it. Life just races by.
Unless they actually fear Trump and decide now is a good time to strike, but then in reality its still unlikely as short of sending a Nuke they are over committed in Ukraine at the moment and likely have to wait until Trump forces a peace settlement. conceding large parts of Ukraine to Russia.
My girlfriend is an adult who can take care of themselves, of course things can happen to anyone but I have to realize its very unlikely. so I agree its unlikely anything goes majorly wrong when I am away so I am probs best just trying to relax and chill.
Is Sky able to detect and prevent players using a VPN?
Ok here's the plan. When he gets back everybody hide.
Oh my, that would be so epic.
and back and barbados jounral thread coming soon...
I geniunely do not know if Sky would have detected a VPN but then even if they can't the fact that I had mentioned I would be away would have busted me if I had been that reckless.
Ultimately its just not worth the risk, I enjoy posting on the forums and playing poker here and whilst I dont make huge amounts usually take a few k a year from him or a bit more.
It just wouldnt be worth the risk hence why I didnt. actually that would have been hilerious I would really feel I had an impact here if the sky techies went to that length for a prank on me, when the site has not been updated in many years.