Having recently came back to play on Sky, I sometimes see a note flagged up against certain players. I was never really into taking down information about players, but I did do it occasionally. Now, these notes were written about a decade ago, and as most of them are without context I have no idea about the specifics.
No names, of course... but my notes range from
good chat, which is at least on the positive end of the spectrum, to
I had aces and he called my four-bet all-in with 7 3 off and made a straight!. I know, we've all been there. Obviously I wrote that just after the hand, but seeing it ten years later is funny.
Oddly enough, I was at the table long enough to see that his play hasn't really changed in all that time

Does anyone wish to share some funny, anonymous notes they have on players?
They range from :-
Sticks around with middle pair for 3 streets
Plumber - retired - Essex
Oh and lots of pretty colours too.
Blue = leaky game (i.e. water) and can be taken advantage of
Green = an improving player who is growing (like vegetation)
Yellow = a blindingly (i.e the Sun) obvious predictable player where ur notes will always be accurate
Purple = flirty
I assume most people have a similar system for their colour codes.
Exactly how many purple folk have you encountered on here?
I really do wonder how wide Trump's defence range is based on these comments
Yellow = tag reg
Green = nit reg
Purple = splashy rec
Blue = passive fish
Red = whale
If I've chatted with somebody, I'll note that down. Things like their job, where they live and football team.
Otherwise, I include notes on their bet sizing and timing and anything unusual.
Some good ones there!
blue - stationy/sticky
yellow - passive ABC (again notes will show any specifics)
green - pretty good, take care
red - unpredictable, sometimes spewy
purple - very good, steer clear, particularly when they have position