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Poker deals

Way past time to change and update the deals
Far too MANY deals seem very dubious and dodgy.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    GOODWAN said:

    Way past time to change and update the deals
    Far too MANY deals seem very dubious and dodgy.


    To be clear, you are asking Sky Poker to "change the deals"?

  • GOODWANGOODWAN Member Posts: 11
    Yes as FAR too many seemed pre set deals and certainly NOT random.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    edited January 7
    GOODWAN said:

    Yes as FAR too many seemed pre set deals and certainly NOT random.


    I had intended to debate this with you & explain a few things. However, after doing a little homework, I don't think it's worth going to too much effort.

    I had a look at your Table Chat for the last 6 months during which you averaged 3 or 4 games every day, mostly £3 & £5 BH's, & Freerolls. That's around 700 games. And after EVERY HAND YOU LOST , you typed something like this...


    sky laughable SHIITE



    skywank shiite comments like that 700 (SEVEN HUNDRED) times.

    Man, I'm not trolling you, but when you get that exercised over £3 & £5 games & Freerolls you need to take a break. Recreational poker - which is what you are playing - is meant to be entertainment. And if you are not enjoying it, for whatever reason, really you should find some other form of entertainment. Seriously, you'll burst a blood vessel at this rate.

    And it does beg the very obvious question. If you think Sky Poker is "bent", and there are scores of other poker sites available at the touch of a button - why do you keep playing here?

    Seriously fella, I'm genuinely trying to help you here. Take a break, have a think about what's happening to you. You are not even a losing player, & yet you are getting bent out of shape every single day every single time you lose a hand of poker. If poker gets you like that every time you lose a hand, it's time to quit.

    Seriously fella, turn the computer off & have a think.

  • GOODWANGOODWAN Member Posts: 11
    To Tikay10
    Obviously I get very annoyed at the WAY of losing, NOT the actual loss.
    I play for pleasure, so to feel that deals are pre organised, irritates me no end.
    I am NOT the only one either, I guess most just close the table, perhaps fed up of moaning.
    Second thing I feel is that far TOO many deals coming my way are total garbage, whilst other players win most hands with excellent cards.
    Explain that
    Third thing, is the repetitive hand coincidences, which seem far too high, especially the river, seems almost guaranteed.
    I guess I am not alone in my thoughts either !
  • rabdenirorabdeniro Member Posts: 4,527
    Just stop playing if you can't handle it, do you actully think Sky has got an agenda against you ?.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    edited January 13

    Mate, it's called confirmation bias, it's a figment of your (& others) imagination.

    "Second thing I feel is that far TOO many deals coming my way are total garbage, whilst other players win most hands with excellent cards."

    So how & why do you think that happens? Do you seriously think that Sky Poker has some sort of skewed preference to give other players good cards & give you bad hands?

    WHY would they do that? HOW would they do that?

    Meanwhile, yet again, this was half an hour ago....

    GOODWAN: sky cheatin bastrds

    And yesterday, in a FREEROLL


    Also yesterday, in the same FREEROLL...


    It was a freeroll, they were GIVING AWAY money &/or Seats....

    10 minutes earlier in a £3 MTT...


    The previous day in a £20 FREEROLL....



    Mate, you are making no sense. Why would Sky risk their licence by rigging the deal in a £20 Freeroll? And how would they do that? They are, literally, GIVING MONEY AWAY, and you somehow think they don't want to give it to you in particular.

    Man, you need to take a poker break, seriously.
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,639
    @rabdeniro @Tikay10 , guys gae the guy a break...he plays FOR PLEASURE...😂
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    Glenelg said:

    @rabdeniro @Tikay10 , guys gae the guy a break...he plays FOR PLEASURE...😂

    Nail on head. Hard to see how he's enjoying it, isn't it? And there are scores - hundreds? - of other Online :Poker Sites but he still plays here.

    Go figure.
  • GOODWANGOODWAN Member Posts: 11
    I play here because I bet on Sky also and don't want bogging down with too many sites.
    Plus, some sites are totally garbage, so Sky actually wins on the games etc played.
    Enjoy I do, except when deal after deal is pure garbage.
    Cant see many winners or happy players with hands like 23,24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 5, 36, 37, 47, on a too regular basis, need I go on
    As for taking the ****, very rude !
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,602
    edited January 13
    GOODWAN said:

    I play here because I bet on Sky also and don't want bogging down with too many sites.
    Plus, some sites are totally garbage, so Sky actually wins on the games etc played.
    Enjoy I do, except when deal after deal is pure garbage.
    Cant see many winners or happy players with hands like 23,24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 5, 36, 37, 47, on a too regular basis, need I go on
    As for taking the ****, very rude !

    Mate, I'm not taking the Michael, I'm spending my evening trying to help you.

    And, FWIW, I think suggesting "Sky are cheating bastards" every single day is actually pretty rude...

  • HENDRIK62HENDRIK62 Member Posts: 3,240
    I opened this thread as i thought it was about live deals being made recently.....not another shi t conspiracy theme.......
  • TheEdge949TheEdge949 Member Posts: 5,789
    GOODWAN said:

    I play here because I bet on Sky also and don't want bogging down with too many sites.
    Plus, some sites are totally garbage, so Sky actually wins on the games etc played.
    Enjoy I do, except when deal after deal is pure garbage.
    Cant see many winners or happy players with hands like 23,24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 28, 34, 5, 36, 37, 47, on a too regular basis, need I go on
    As for taking the ****, very rude !

    If you bothered to play on other sites you'd find that this is simply normal.

    Why is it that some people always seem to win on slots at a casino when others don't, do you believe that the machine can recognise 1 player from another.

    It's random yeah. If you are incapable of folding 30 hands in a row with 83off or A2 oop etc then maybe you should forget what you think you know and go right back to basic A B C poker.

    If it gets you this screwed up perhaps take a break. When other players see you getting tilted it just gets worse. For example if I see you screaming into the chat box then my range suddenly widens, just in the hope of hitting something and completely triggering a meltdown.
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