I cannot believe this email response i have received but please let me give some background.
I have had health conditions managed by medication ( Vascular circulation problems ) for many years but early last year things started to get worse leading to me having to leave my job last October and go into the world of claiming benefits and waiting on NHS appointments

waiting for this since October.)
I have never been out of work in my life, have contibuted chuncks, have no rent arrears or owe any council tax, the UC people have been really good but it turns out that coz i have a two bed flat in my sheltered scheme that i cannot have £137 of benifits that i would get every month towards my rent because of this.
"Thats ok" our adisor for schemes said, you can apply for discretionary housing funds but these are given by the local authority and not the government, so i applied.
Must now point out that i live in Tower Hamlets which i think is acknowledged as the most crooked borough to live in and it is well known that "professional" application completers are active so that benefits are awarded and given to people that rinse the system, i am a 64 years old SWM and of course have no access to these dodgy practices so all i can do is be honest and fill out the forms.
Don't matter about my past according to TH, i am sure that Rahmans supporters must be getting everything and us natives just ain't aloud a look in.
Below direct copy and paste from the benefits team at tower hamlets recieve 23/01/2025.
Your HSBC bank account ****7870 and your HSBC Visa account statements show regular transactions to Golden Grove Stratford, Half Moon Mile End, National lottery and Sky Bet, which are considered as non-essential expenditure. Please advise if you have reduced your expenditure.Can you believe this. not sure i can even respond as would not be able to control myself, not allowed to go to weatherspoons, play lotto or Sky ? WTF
They can stick their £137, will have to grind this on 2p/4p or maybe make a placard and start begging out TH town hall and let the world know WTF this corrupt council is doing to us.
Sorry to hear that @FORDAKIDZ
I can understand their stance on this. I don't agree it's the government telling us what we can do with our own money. They are assessing if someone is eligible to receive THEIR money. If they are looking through someone's finances and see they are regularly visiting pubs and gambling then I can understand them assuming that they might have enough spare money to not need any of theirs.
If there was ever a reason to stick with cash , this is it.
Having just completed my self assessment tax return I am now patting myself on the back and feeling very happy for the number of benefits claimants I am supporting again this year. Now off to find an envelope to be able to send HMRC the arm and leg that they want.
Finally, I actually have some sympathy for @FORDAKIDZ on the basis that he has paid tax virtually all his life whilst many others, who have never contributed a penny (and never will) get all the help they want. Them's the breaks I'm afraid mate.
I think obviously like all thing it depends on the magnitude or degree of things.
the first thing to note is that there are plenty of people who actually work full time right now and are on benifits. Its not just those who are work shy or have a legitimate reason for been classed as unfit for work.
Now if you take the stance that people on benifits should have every penny they spend scrutinised, so that they cant spend a penny on gambling cigarettes or the odd alcoholic beverage or anything but tesco value food. did they really need to buy that steak? etc etc do they need Hovis bread or should they show they bought ASDA value bread?
it seems a harsh system at that point putting vulnerable and poor people under a microscope where everything is so strictly regulated I understand the mentality its government money and should be respected but their needs to be some lee way.
The economy is grossly unfairly tiltered in favour of the rich and its not fair to say that thise working full time jobs on benifits should be so scrutinised that they are crimminals if they have any nice things in live.
On the other hand we cant say that someone can get benifits to lose £700 a month on gambling etc or spend excessive amounts on alcohol. Surely there is a reasonable ground for common sense?
if you take the attitude that every penny should be scrutinised and etc then you will get to the point where people are sent to jail as hardened crimminals for having a slightly nicer tent to sleep in then deemed acceptable.
I am pretty sure that if benefits were being reduced because of where the benefits were being spent (alcohol, cigarettes, gambling etc) then we would have seen it in the press.
To be fair, my UC advisor Susan has been great in advising and helping me navigate the system, it's only when my local authority are involved that things start to go wrong.
LBTH are suggesting that if i reduce my expenditure then i will have enough money to cover the £137 per month so they will not approve the £137 x 3 months application, it's not about the money, for me it's a voyage of discovery through a system that we all read about every day but have maybe never been in and to discover examples like this are just crazy.
Got a 24 page PIP form to complete starting tomorrow
I had to supply my statements, got to laugh as these were all dated before i applied for any sort of benefit, i had the heads up from the UC portal that £137 was not going to be paid so i applied to LBTH early, so basically i am showing them what i spent when i was working and before any UC payments went into my account.
TBH all i want from LBTH now is a blue badge so i dont want to go ballistic with any response that may hamper that process !
@waller02, absolutly get your point but this is more aimed at LBTH and not central government, it is the wild west in E3 where benefit fraud is rife and it's not what you know anymore, it's who you know who can get these applications through without any problems, unfotunatly for me i don't know anyone
Gonna start grinding tomorrow
I hope you manage to sort things out one way or another.