"Unusually, let me start with Turbo which went to @Thoich& which gives me the opening I need to make mention of his Stack Builder results which I was unable to report about over the weekend as I was AWOL. As you know, there were 4 Stack Builder Freerolls, each with around 190 runners. Well he played all 4 & finished 1st, 1st, 4th & unplaced, earning himself (£2,700 + £2,700 + £752) some £6,152. Stunning stuff, many congrats to Thoichy. Over £6,000 from three Freerolls, who'd have thought? We've seen some terrific performances down the years on Sky Poker, & surely that's right up there amongst the best.
Talking of stuff I missed whilst AWOL, last Thursday, & for the 2nd week running,@NChanning won the new PLO8. It runs again tonight, & I'm relying on you guys to prevent the hat-trick, otherwise he'll be chirping for England. Even more remarkably, he so nearly won Saturday's PLO version too, eventually seen off by a great performance by @FORDAKIDZ. Good to see those two Super Seniors doing so well.
Back to the present, there was a smidgeon of overlay in the Main, which went to love him or hate him @Marmite11. Seems to only play 1 MTT per night, but has done very well of late - 3rd in Saturday's Turbo, 1st in Sunday's Quickdraw, 5th in Monday's Main & then the win last night. Considering they are only playing a single MTT per day that's some going, 1st, 1st, 4th & 5th from 5 MTT's. A big score in 2nd for @terrier922 who turned up for the first time in a fortnight, played a couple of £1.80 All-In Sats, winning the 2nd, & going home with £580, which is tidy money for someone who plays off an ABI of £4.40. It was his 3rd best result all-time after 12 years & almost 7,000 MTT's, beaten only by 2nd in a 2017 UKOPS & 5th in a 2020 boomlet Sharpshooter Main.
I was supposed to give @ILIKE2FISH free entry to the Mini but was unable to do it, so he registered anyway & went on to win it. Perfect ending really, and saved him being cross with me hopefully. Nice when a plan comes together like that. @mumsie only played three x £4.50 MTT's & ran 6th, so a nice bit of profit for Mr MML, & it's good to see his Sharky graph heading nicely north.
@bakersdoze is running into a bit of decent form, & won 9 @ 9 to add to a decent bunch of recent results. In 6th & making a relatively rare appearance in an MTT was @Jac35. That's at least his 2nd MTT FT since 2010.
That will have to suffice for now, whilst the battle to regain all my Passwords continues."
As expected on a quiet night for televised domestic football, MTT numbers were "OK", which beats bad & loses to good. The only overlay was £108 in Reload, so overall OK I suppose.
An excellent win for @PICKLE33 in the Main. Most of his action (around 70%) is at the cash tables but when he turns his hand to MTT's he seems to do quite well & has a healthy profit. Has quite an eclectic portfolio of results, as shown by his wins in 2024 alone which included a Sharpshooter Main, Mini Gold Rush, 9 @ 9, Reload, Mega & two £1k Rebuy BH's. 2nd was Stoke's @TIMBER with @D_Legend completing the podium & @Swifteyyeu 4th.
In December @smackpack suffered the disappointment of running 2nd in Avenger Mini so will have felt especially pleased to have won last night's Gold Rush version. Best result that I can recall was 1st place in a Mini UKOPS Rebuy back in 2020. In 4th place last night was @Hawkinni & by referring to the Main-Mini Leaderboards that @Slipwater constructs each day, we can see that he's now made more Mini FT's this year - 4 - than any other player. 6 Top 20's too, though he's yet to win one.
The £110 Summit went to the loveable & very popular @Gutshotter & when he's on the table the chat is always going to be lively, to say the least. What a FT it was too, with 2nd to 6th respectively going to @destinycod@GSmith13@ozzieowen@Jscorgie & @Swog. That's a tough FT by any standards.
@keczmo is rarely seen entering any MTT's after 8pm but does very nicely during the day & early evening, after which he logs off & maybe watches comedy greats like Miranda or Michael McIntyre. Or maybe not. Won last night's £800 BH just 24 hours after finishing 2nd in 7 @7. Has some solid scores though, including wins in the Sunday night £6k (as was) BH, & a Predator Main, as well as 2nd in an Avenger Main.
7 @7 winner @telboy4386 is another early evening specialist, this win coming just 24 hours after he narrowly missed making the FT of the Rebuy BH.
Yet another win for @lundie - the Rebuy BH this time. Was on site from lunchtime & made two other FT's too, finishing 2nd & 4th. Has a stunning CV which includes no less than SIX Avenger Main wins, each of which was back in the day when it had a £10,000 guarantee. Some might say he's really a SNG player, having played 56,000 of them compared to "just" 27,000 MTT's. Look at it any way you want, he's profitable in both disciplines & has banked over £100,000 in profit. Nice.
Reload went to @Thendo1987 who is perhaps best remembered for a purple patch in April 2022 when he won Quickdraw, MidEx & Mega in the space of a few weeks. 5th last night was @PICKLE33 who was also busy winning the Main.
The consistent @Makaka won Turbo, with @NChanning (who I notice swerved Summit) in 2nd place. Mr C seems to make a FT most nights these days. Wonderful to see his enthusiasm for the game remains intact after all these years.
@FBT22 only joined us in January & has played just 76 MTT's so far, hitting the woodwork repeatedly with FT's including Mini Major, MidEx, Mega, Sheriff & Turbo, so winning last night's Quickdraw was his maiden win & must surely have felt great.
A good session for @deloresdd who won a seat to Summit in a £24 satellite then took the cash, had a deep run into 27th in the Mini & then won MidEx.
That's it for today. Wrap up, it's colder than you think out there.
This day last year
"Unusually, let me start with Turbo which went to @Thoich & which gives me the opening I need to make mention of his Stack Builder results which I was unable to report about over the weekend as I was AWOL. As you know, there were 4 Stack Builder Freerolls, each with around 190 runners. Well he played all 4 & finished 1st, 1st, 4th & unplaced, earning himself (£2,700 + £2,700 + £752) some £6,152. Stunning stuff, many congrats to Thoichy. Over £6,000 from three Freerolls, who'd have thought? We've seen some terrific performances down the years on Sky Poker, & surely that's right up there amongst the best.
Talking of stuff I missed whilst AWOL, last Thursday, & for the 2nd week running, @NChanning won the new PLO8. It runs again tonight, & I'm relying on you guys to prevent the hat-trick, otherwise he'll be chirping for England. Even more remarkably, he so nearly won Saturday's PLO version too, eventually seen off by a great performance by @FORDAKIDZ. Good to see those two Super Seniors doing so well.
Back to the present, there was a smidgeon of overlay in the Main, which went to love him or hate him @Marmite11. Seems to only play 1 MTT per night, but has done very well of late - 3rd in Saturday's Turbo, 1st in Sunday's Quickdraw, 5th in Monday's Main & then the win last night. Considering they are only playing a single MTT per day that's some going, 1st, 1st, 4th & 5th from 5 MTT's. A big score in 2nd for @terrier922 who turned up for the first time in a fortnight, played a couple of £1.80 All-In Sats, winning the 2nd, & going home with £580, which is tidy money for someone who plays off an ABI of £4.40. It was his 3rd best result all-time after 12 years & almost 7,000 MTT's, beaten only by 2nd in a 2017 UKOPS & 5th in a 2020 boomlet Sharpshooter Main.
I was supposed to give @ILIKE2FISH free entry to the Mini but was unable to do it, so he registered anyway & went on to win it. Perfect ending really, and saved him being cross with me hopefully. Nice when a plan comes together like that. @mumsie only played three x £4.50 MTT's & ran 6th, so a nice bit of profit for Mr MML, & it's good to see his Sharky graph heading nicely north.
Sheriff had a brutally tough FT, with @seikus grabbing the win, ahead of @cabbaz @FeelGroggy @Jscorgie @Lightwood & @Froozle.
@bakersdoze is running into a bit of decent form, & won 9 @ 9 to add to a decent bunch of recent results. In 6th & making a relatively rare appearance in an MTT was @Jac35. That's at least his 2nd MTT FT since 2010.
That will have to suffice for now, whilst the battle to regain all my Passwords continues."
As expected on a quiet night for televised domestic football, MTT numbers were "OK", which beats bad & loses to good. The only overlay was £108 in Reload, so overall OK I suppose.
An excellent win for @PICKLE33 in the Main. Most of his action (around 70%) is at the cash tables but when he turns his hand to MTT's he seems to do quite well & has a healthy profit. Has quite an eclectic portfolio of results, as shown by his wins in 2024 alone which included a Sharpshooter Main, Mini Gold Rush, 9 @ 9, Reload, Mega & two £1k Rebuy BH's. 2nd was Stoke's @TIMBER with @D_Legend completing the podium & @Swifteyyeu 4th.
In December @smackpack suffered the disappointment of running 2nd in Avenger Mini so will have felt especially pleased to have won last night's Gold Rush version. Best result that I can recall was 1st place in a Mini UKOPS Rebuy back in 2020. In 4th place last night was @Hawkinni & by referring to the Main-Mini Leaderboards that @Slipwater constructs each day, we can see that he's now made more Mini FT's this year - 4 - than any other player. 6 Top 20's too, though he's yet to win one.
The £110 Summit went to the loveable & very popular @Gutshotter & when he's on the table the chat is always going to be lively, to say the least. What a FT it was too, with 2nd to 6th respectively going to @destinycod @GSmith13 @ozzieowen @Jscorgie & @Swog. That's a tough FT by any standards.
@keczmo is rarely seen entering any MTT's after 8pm but does very nicely during the day & early evening, after which he logs off & maybe watches comedy greats like Miranda or Michael McIntyre. Or maybe not. Won last night's £800 BH just 24 hours after finishing 2nd in 7 @7. Has some solid scores though, including wins in the Sunday night £6k (as was) BH, & a Predator Main, as well as 2nd in an Avenger Main.
7 @7 winner @telboy4386 is another early evening specialist, this win coming just 24 hours after he narrowly missed making the FT of the Rebuy BH.
Yet another win for @lundie - the Rebuy BH this time. Was on site from lunchtime & made two other FT's too, finishing 2nd & 4th. Has a stunning CV which includes no less than SIX Avenger Main wins, each of which was back in the day when it had a £10,000 guarantee. Some might say he's really a SNG player, having played 56,000 of them compared to "just" 27,000 MTT's. Look at it any way you want, he's profitable in both disciplines & has banked over £100,000 in profit. Nice.
Reload went to @Thendo1987 who is perhaps best remembered for a purple patch in April 2022 when he won Quickdraw, MidEx & Mega in the space of a few weeks. 5th last night was @PICKLE33 who was also busy winning the Main.
The consistent @Makaka won Turbo, with @NChanning (who I notice swerved Summit) in 2nd place. Mr C seems to make a FT most nights these days. Wonderful to see his enthusiasm for the game remains intact after all these years.
@FBT22 only joined us in January & has played just 76 MTT's so far, hitting the woodwork repeatedly with FT's including Mini Major, MidEx, Mega, Sheriff & Turbo, so winning last night's Quickdraw was his maiden win & must surely have felt great.
A good session for @deloresdd who won a seat to Summit in a £24 satellite then took the cash, had a deep run into 27th in the Mini & then won MidEx.
That's it for today. Wrap up, it's colder than you think out there.
£5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£940)
188 entries
@keczmo 376000 1 £126.90 + £45.17 Head Prizes 8
@suede444 0 2 £76.61 + £33.44 Head Prizes 7@CCchamps 0 3 £46.30 + £14.20 Head Prizes 7
@Frimley44 0 4 £36.42 + £19.19 Head Prizes 6
@dave54321 0 5 £31.02 + £33.04 Head Prizes 11
@MARK277 0 6 £25.85 + £18.97 Head Prizes 6
£7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£763)
109 entries
@telboy4386 218000 1 £106.63 + £62.26 Head Prizes 7
@welp 0 2 £65.05 + £16.70 Head Prizes 5@glav66619 0 3 £40.06 + £25.33 Head Prizes 6
@cycling77 0 4 £32.24 + £13.70 Head Prizes 4
@bless1 0 5 £27.47 + £16.52 Head Prizes 4
@feb22212 0 6 £23.65 + £16.65 Head Prizes 5
£5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,260)
101 entries 95 rebuys 56 addons
@lundie 616000 1 £176.09 + £79.19 Head Prizes 7
@Starshot90 0 2 £107.42 + £12.23 Head Prizes 3@235467 0 3 £66.15 + £22.26 Head Prizes 4
@Stickleb1 0 4 £53.23 + £48.28 Head Prizes 6
@The_hedge 0 5 £45.36 + £28.52 Head Prizes 8
@Summers119 0 6 £39.06 + £16.67 Head Prizes 3
£33 entry £5,000 Gold Rush (£5,130)
135 entries 36 rebuys
@PICKLE33 1710000 1 £705.38 + £276.30 Head Prizes 9
@TIMBER 0 2 £425.79 + £80.10 Head Prizes 4@D_Legend 0 3 £261.63 + £222.20 Head Prizes 9
@Swifteyyeu 0 4 £207.76 + £117.94 Head Prizes 6
@Limp2Lose 0 5 £176.99 + £68.91 Head Prizes 5
@Dharma94 0 6 £148.77 + £121.67 Head Prizes 7
£5.50 entry £1,500 Mini Gold Rush (£1,620)
324 entries
@smackpack 3240000 1 £210.60 + £58.99 Head Prizes 8
@adair333 0 2 £121.50 + £77.40 Head Prizes 16@goomba123 0 3 £73.71 + £17.96 Head Prizes 7
@Hawkinni 0 4 £59.13 + £14.29 Head Prizes 5
@seikus 0 5 £50.22 + £16.15 Head Prizes 5
@KingPower 0 6 £41.31 + £18.82 Head Prizes 7
£22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,080)
54 entries
@Sharki0 540000 1 £199.80 + £63.21 Head Prizes 2
@Fabraclass 0 2 £118.80 + £46.58 Head Prizes 4@Drewett 0 3 £81 + £53.07 Head Prizes 3
@AlexaAJ 0 4 £59.40 + £88.61 Head Prizes 10
@ozzieowen 0 5 £43.20 + £26.25 Head Prizes 3
@Jscorgie 0 6 £37.80 + £19.34 Head Prizes 2
£110 entry £4,000 Summit Bounty Hunter (£4,400)
37 entries 7 rebuys
@Gutshotter 220000 1 £880 + £718.14 Head Prizes 8
@destinycod 0 2 £550 + £307.62 Head Prizes 6@GSmith13 0 3 £330 + £96.09 Head Prizes 2
@ozzieowen 0 4 £242 + £262.51 Head Prizes 6
@Jscorgie 0 5 £198 + £196.88 Head Prizes 5
@Swog 0 6 £84.38 Head Prizes 2
£9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£819)
91 entries
@AlexaAJ 273000 1 £116.71 + £80.24 Head Prizes 9
@ILIKE2FISH 0 2 £72.07 + £7.42 Head Prizes 1@ughx3000cx 0 3 £44.64 + £16.23 Head Prizes 3
@BING 0 4 £36.04 + £3.38 Head Prizes 1
@GFKIJKLL 0 5 £30.10 + £47.76 Head Prizes 10
@Fabraclass 0 6 £25.39 0
£3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,500)
173 entries 175 rebuys 116 addons, £108 overlay
@Thendo1987 1276000 1 £219.09 + £78.88 Head Prizes 9
@Hod4k997 0 2 £131.45 + £25.42 Head Prizes 5@Theghost92 0 3 £80.40 + £42.80 Head Prizes 8
@GSmith13 0 4 £63.11 + £22.37 Head Prizes 5
@PICKLE33 0 5 £53.87 + £13.31 Head Prizes 5
@elvistdc11 0 6 £45.35 + £20.49 Head Prizes 6
£33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,320)
36 entries 8 rebuys
@Makaka 220000 1 £264 + £122.59 Head Prizes 4
@NChanning 0 2 £165 + £52.04 Head Prizes 3@daytime1 0 3 £99 + £90.74 Head Prizes 5
@ozzieowen 0 4 £72.60 + £36.56 Head Prizes 3
@Bambus 0 5 £59.40 + £64.69 Head Prizes 5
@RUTSTER19 0 6 £22.67 Head Prizes 1
£22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,440)
32 entries 19 rebuys 21 addons
@FBT22 186000 1 £252 + £236.94 Head Prizes 6
@Awoken 0 2 £158.40 + £43.83 Head Prizes 3@loosecamel 0 3 £108 + £80.16 Head Prizes 4
@ozzieowen 0 4 £79.20 + £55.30 Head Prizes 3
@Bensons22 0 5 £64.80 + £54.38 Head Prizes 3
@Makaka 0 6 £57.60 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2
£22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£860)
43 entries
@deloresedd 129000 1 £159.10 + £140.26 Head Prizes 9
@Awoken 0 2 £94.60 + £33.76 Head Prizes 4@ozzieowen 0 3 £64.50 + £40.23 Head Prizes 3
@PocketAc23 0 4 £47.30 0
@dangerdai 0 5 £34.40 + £63.39 Head Prizes 7
@jedinemo 0 6 £30.10 + £7.50 Head Prizes 1
£5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£265)
53 entries
@jasonAA 159000 1 £49.02 + £31.60 Head Prizes 7
@Enut 0 2 £29.15 + £7.36 Head Prizes 2@W1SHB0NE 0 3 £19.88 + £14.10 Head Prizes 5
@StankAss1 0 4 £14.57 + £2.81 Head Prizes 1
@NIVVYDOH 0 5 £10.60 + £7.73 Head Prizes 3
@GRAYBAG 0 6 £9.28 + £9.40 Head Prizes 5
£1,000 Rewards Freeroll (660 entries)
Top 20
@doooooob 1320000 1 £100
@Woebegone 0 2 £60@elcoe 0 3 £60
@w00k13 0 4 £40
@diddy700 0 5 £40
@DidUdoaPoo 0 6 £30
@danger2222 0 7 £30
@OXBOWLER 0 8 £30
@glencoelad 0 9 £30
@mac24 0 10 £20
@soggy450 0 11 £20
@Dev666 0 12 £20
@Haz2 0 13 £20
@HOLLYWHIT 0 14 £20
@StephyDee 0 15 £20
@ned17 0 16 £20
@homie17 0 17 £20
@spam600 0 18 £20
@Revversdg 0 19 £20
@jediwalker 0 20 £10
Sunday Major Freeroll (156 entries)
@Yummychips 205555.50 1 £10,000 Sunday Major
@Voltage 56285 2 £10,000 Sunday Major
@arkle 50159.50 3 £10,000 Sunday Major