Sex - Nah thanks, at my age I'd rather have a nice steak and a glass of wine. It lasts longer and I don't have to cuddle it for half an hour afterwards.
Drugs - Absolutely, at my age I need the whole spectrum just to keep me going.
Rock and Roll - Don't know, at my age all your rock heros are either dead or subscribe to the above two points.
Health (relatively, I'm getting on a bit now) Wealth (relatively and I've worked hard for what I've got) and Happiness (compared to many, many people on this world who don't have it as good).
P.s. @TheEdge949 if you'd rather have steak and wine than sex then I think you're doing the sex bit wrong!
2. I'm Healthy
3. I'm in love
Drugs - Absolutely, at my age I need the whole spectrum just to keep me going.
Rock and Roll - Don't know, at my age all your rock heros are either dead or subscribe to the above two points.
So I'd go with
Fixadent - Tenna Man - Hearing Aids.
Wealth (relatively and I've worked hard for what I've got) and
Happiness (compared to many, many people on this world who don't have it as good).
P.s. @TheEdge949 if you'd rather have steak and wine than sex then I think you're doing the sex bit wrong!
And there's only three things you need in life.
My advancing years means I am now seriously contemplating giving up singing
Am skint, cannae afford drink due to the SNP stasi
Health, it's all ye can hope for at ma age