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Who won what, Monday 17th March. Good results for Laura9191, Rocket33r & bauer, + the Usual Suspects

Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

Whilst the British public obsess over potholes & x% of the population are "economically inactive" over in Gaza it's been another night of horror as 300 men, women & children were blown to bits... That brings the death toll in Gaza to around 50,000, which is 17 times more than 9/11. Think about that.


  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    This day last year

    "MTT traffic was somewhere close to expected levels, though there was an odd trio of overlays - 7 @ 7, 9 @ 9 & Reload - happily, all by insignificant amounts.

    Quite an ending to the Main when the Father & Son combo of @StayOrGo & @Limp2Lose fought it out, with Dad winning the battle. I'm not going to list Graham's poker achievements, there are too many, suffice to say he's won at least 15 "regular" 8pm Mains, & everything else here there is to win, the best of which was some £8,500 for 1st place in a UKOPS High Roller. It was a very successful session for @Limp2Lose but I suspect a very frustrating one too - from just 6 MTT's played, he was 2nd in the Main, 3rd in the £110 entry Summit & 2nd in Turbo. The human mind works in weird ways, & while that's a seriously profitable evening, most of us would be disappointed by those results.

    In the Mini, we saw a splendid example of spoonerism as @tikemyson took the win, which as it happens was his first featured MTT victory. Plenty of g's on the FT too, with @gogogadget 4th & @Gigitygoon 6th.

    Summit went to @ra1d for the 2nd time in 6 months. Is proving quite successful, as well as those Summit wins, has tasted victory in all sorts including the late night trio of Turbo, Quickdraw & MidEx. @UnEuropean who was 2nd in last Friday's Avenger was 2nd again here. He seems to make a habit of cashing in £110 events - 1st & 3rd in BWBH, 3rd, 6th, 6th & 6th in Majors, and 2nd 3rd & 3rd in Summits. As noted earlier, @Limp2Lose was 3rd.

    @Terrie who often does well in the nightly PLO8 single-tabled 1st place in Mega.

    @aosbor1028 is another who single tables almost every night, in his case always Reload. The week was not going great, finishing 34th, 186th, 176th & 101st & then the sequence was broken last night with 1st place.

    9 @ 9 went to @jameswins & when perusing his stats this morning I chanced across a remarkable thing - he won a seat to the Sunday Major in the nightly Freeroll three times inside a week - 9th March, 13th March & 15th March. In total, seems to have won seats in that Freeroll with great regularity. In 2nd place in last night's 9 @ 9 was @mumsie, & in fact he was also 2nd (to Mean Machine) in 7 @ 7 too, so must have been one of his most successful sessions. Hopefully that helped make up for the "milk & water" episode which was seriously comical - unless you were involved...

    @al393 is something of a Quickdraw specialist & won it for the third time inside a month from a seriously strong FT which included @shirley02 @destinycod @Thoich & @Awoken.

    I'm done."

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280
    edited March 18

    Just a very brief write-up today.

    As forecast yesterday, with zero domestic football last night - none at all in fact - numbers were OK & there was a grand total of zero overlay. Yay.

    @ozzieowen took the Main, that's his 2nd Main inside 3 weeks, the previous one being an Avenger. He's now the 5th most profitable Sky Poker MTT-er on Sky Poker in 2025 according to Sharky, with @loosecamel still leading the pack. Runner-up was @NIVVYDOH who you may recall won a Reload a few days ago. In 3rd was @lJAMESl and I think that's about his 8th Main Event FT already in 2025.

    The remarkable @AlexaAJ had a lovely win double, Mini & 9 @ 9. Sadly, is not opted-in on Sharky so I can't really get a handle on how well they do in specific MTT's, but for sure they must have a great ROI. It was yet another great night for @snoxx11 who had a 2-3-4; 2nd in Mini, 3rd in Turbo & 4th in Mega, which is even more impressive as it was from just 6 MTT's played last night.

    @NATNUG played a very full schedule & whilst he won Sheriff & collected £626 for his troubles, he pretty much bricked everything else except he won a £33 Main Event seat in a £7.20 satellite. It does not matter how good you are, you can endure long spells without getting results. The key thing of course with recreationals playing MTT's is to learn to enjoy them when they don't win. Which is most of the time. Very few can, it seems to me, which is utter madness. If you only enjoy a poker session when you win, my advice is to quit. Seriously. It's your hobby, not your job, & if you don't always enjoy a hobby - any hobby - then you should quit.

    7 @ 7 went to @Laura9191 which is not an alias you might readily recognize but a glance at their CV tells us they do OK, & last year managed wins in the £800 BH, 7 @ 7 & 9 @ 9, & did the same thing in 2023 too. Only played the 7 @ 7 last night, nothing else, so that's pretty neat.

    @rocket33r won a Sharpshooter Mini 2 years ago but has not often graced these threads since then. Seems to have hit a bit of form though, on Sunday they won the only MTT they played, a £300 BH, & they repeated the trick last night, playing just the Rebuy BH & taking top spot. What price the 3-peat today?

    @bauer had a great night too, winning Reload, then 2nd in MidEx. These were his 2nd & 3rd best results all-time, & in fact his lifetime best (on Sky Poker) was just last Friday when he was 3rd in Avenger Main. Considering he's been here since 2008, that's pretty amazing. Keep any eye on Mr @bauer imo.

    @loosecamel increased his lead in the 2025 Sharky/Sky Poker MTT Leaderboard by winning Quickdraw & 2nd in Mega, and he only played 3 MTT's.

    At the risk of constantly repeating myself.... @ughx3000cx won Mid Ex yet again, that's the 2nd time in 5 nights. Overall, I believe he's won MidEx around 15 times. Extraordinary.

    After winning Reload 3 or 4 nights ago, @NIVVYDOH disappeared for a few days only to return last night & run 2nd in the Main, 2nd in a £300 BH & 1st in the 19.18 PLO8. Been here a while but all their biggest cashes have been in recent months - both 1st & 2nd in Marksman Mains, 1st in Reload & 5th in BWBH.

    Finally, @MAXALLY qualified for Sunday's Vegas Semi Final. His exit last Sunday was very odd indeed. Seriously, if anyone deserves to bink one of these packages, it's him. And you never know....

    OK, that'll do. Apologies it's late.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £5.50 entry £800 Bounty Hunter (£1,005)

    201 entries

    @loololollo 402000 1 £134.97 + £69.22 Head Prizes 11

    @Asho28 0 2 £80.55 + £18.60 Head Prizes 6

    @Arrogant 0 3 £48.04 + £19.64 Head Prizes 6

    @MARK277 0 4 £37.79 + £18.60 Head Prizes 8

    @Fonzy180 0 5 £32.16 + £13.09 Head Prizes 4

    @blablabla 0 6 £26.93 + £6.86 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £7.70 entry 7 at 7 Bounty Hunter (£812)

    116 entries

    @Laura9191 232000 1 £113.48 + £93.21 Head Prizes 13

    @NoProHere_ 0 2 £69.22 + £4.26 Head Prizes 1

    @renfr3606 0 3 £42.63 + £18.37 Head Prizes 5

    @JJs1927 0 4 £34.31 + £32.19 Head Prizes 9

    @Yfenni457 0 5 £29.23 + £5.91 Head Prizes 2

    @rainman215 0 6 £25.17 + £24.29 Head Prizes 8
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £5.50 entry £1,000 Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,330)

    105 entries 100 rebuys 61 addons

    @rocket33r 654000 1 £185.87 + £71.74 Head Prizes 6

    @lIlldtgbht 0 2 £113.38 + £77.16 Head Prizes 8

    @macca41 0 3 £69.83 + £3.75 Head Prizes 1

    @davtherav 0 4 £56.19 + £60.16 Head Prizes 12

    @NoProHere_ 0 5 £47.88 + £25.65 Head Prizes 4

    @Bee94De 0 6 £41.23 + £32.87 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £33 entry £4,000 Marksman Bounty Hunter (£4,770)

    127 entries 32 rebuys

    @ozzieowen 795000 1 £666.61 + £290.89 Head Prizes 8

    @NIVVYDOH 0 2 £406.64 + £232.32 Head Prizes 10

    @lJAMESl 0 3 £250.43 + £94.30 Head Prizes 5

    @lIlldtgbht 0 4 £201.53 + £85.07 Head Prizes 6

    @haddock214 0 5 £171.72 + £35.15 Head Prizes 2

    @Wurzelboy 0 6 £147.87 + £152.23 Head Prizes 11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £5.50 entry £1,250 Mini Marksman (£1,250)

    244 entries, £30 overlay

    @AlexaAJ 488000 1 £169.60 + £49.27 Head Prizes 10

    @snoxx11 0 2 £101.12 + £23.13 Head Prizes 4

    @Limp2Lose 0 3 £60.80 + £41.05 Head Prizes 8

    @GEZZA79 0 4 £48 + £19.83 Head Prizes 7

    @goldmonkey 0 5 £40.64 + £6.43 Head Prizes 2

    @who_me 0 6 £33.92 + £37.94 Head Prizes 13
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £22 entry £1,000 Mega Stack B/Hunter (£1,000)

    50 entries

    @alandutch 500000 1 £185 + £136.11 Head Prizes 7

    @Spike4000 0 2 £110 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @ughx3000cx 0 3 £75 0

    @snoxx11 0 4 £55 + £39.96 Head Prizes 3

    @BING 0 5 £40 + £31.88 Head Prizes 4

    @Swifteyyeu 0 6 £35 + £15 Head Prizes 2
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £55 entry £1,000 Sheriff Bounty Hunter (£1,250)

    20 entries 5 rebuys

    @Natnug 125000 1 £312.50 + £314.44 Head Prizes 9

    @LuckyDREW 0 2 £187.50 + £51.57 Head Prizes 2

    @Limp2Lose 0 3 £125 + £37.50 Head Prizes 2

    @StayOrGo 0 4 £75 Head Prizes 4

    @crazykaron 0 5 £18.75 Head Prizes 1

    @ChipDiddy0 0 6 £66.80 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £9.90 entry 9 at 9 Bounty Hunter (£864)

    96 entries

    @AlexaAJ 288000 1 £123.12 + £53.77 Head Prizes 6

    @NoProHere_ 0 2 £76.03 + £23.01 Head Prizes 6

    @IGetJammy 0 3 £47.09 + £33.07 Head Prizes 5

    @Fabraclass 0 4 £38.02 + £7.81 Head Prizes 2

    @Alfieboy08 0 5 £31.75 + £23.09 Head Prizes 4

    @craigcu12 0 6 £26.78 + £24.71 Head Prizes 5
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £3.30 entry £1,500 Reload Rebuy B/Hunter (£1,521)

    182 entries 199 rebuys 126 addons

    @Bauer 1392000 1 £205.34 + £132.88 Head Prizes 17

    @coolhanal 0 2 £123.96 + £22.42 Head Prizes 3

    @goonerjay 0 3 £74.91 + £25.53 Head Prizes 6

    @DidUdoaPoo 0 4 £58.94 + £3.38 Head Prizes 2

    @Marconi 0 5 £50.19 + £16.89 Head Prizes 6

    @tonyp142 0 6 £41.83 + £8.78 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £33 entry £1,000 Turbo Bounty Hunter (£1,020)

    29 entries, 5 rebuys

    @StayOrGo 170000 1 £255 + £165.48 Head Prizes 6

    @loosecamel 0 2 £153 + £22.50 Head Prizes 2

    @snoxx11 0 3 £102 + £54.14 Head Prizes 4

    @royburns 0 4 £50.62 Head Prizes 3

    @ChipDiddy0 0 5 £36.56 Head Prizes 3

    @AliButt 0 6 £45 Head Prizes 4
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £22 entry £1,000 Quickdraw (£1,180)

    31 entries 13 rebuys 15 addons

    @loosecamel 148000 1 £206.50 + £262.80 Head Prizes 9

    @nslater112 0 2 £129.80 + £53.44 Head Prizes 4

    @GFKIJKLL 0 3 £88.50 + £33.75 Head Prizes 2

    @The_Patto 0 4 £64.90 + £39.38 Head Prizes 4

    @ozzieowen 0 5 £53.10 + £45 Head Prizes 3

    @loololollo 0 6 £47.20 + £54.38 Head Prizes 3
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £22 entry £800 Midnight Express B/Hunter (£940)

    47 entries

    @ughx3000cx 141000 1 £173.90 + £136.59 Head Prizes 8

    @Bauer 0 2 £103.40 + £89.16 Head Prizes 8

    @nslater112 0 3 £70.50 + £15 Head Prizes 2

    @Fabraclass 0 4 £51.70 + £24.38 Head Prizes 3

    @Bawbaggio 0 5 £37.60 + £19.22 Head Prizes 2

    @THETANK 0 6 £32.90 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £5.50 entry £200 Omaha Hi-Lo B/Hunter (£300)

    60 entries

    @NIVVYDOH 180000 1 £45 + £44.47 Head Prizes 10

    @edeybayo16 0 2 £30 + £7.45 Head Prizes 3

    @buckup 0 3 £18 + £6.22 Head Prizes 3

    @strube 0 4 £15 + £12.07 Head Prizes 5

    @kash2809 0 5 £12 + £8.91 Head Prizes 4

    @skicowboys 0 6 £9.75 0
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    SPT Vegas Quarter (11 entries)

    @MAXALLY 23053 1 SPT Vegas Semi

    @ILIKE2FISH 9947 2 SPT Vegas Semi

    @Jaffo 0 3 £16.60

    @tai-gar 0 4
    @rg291 0 5
    @breakbad 0 6
    @MD_575 0 7
    @blindpoet 0 9
    @carravagio 0 10
    @Natnug 0 11
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    £1,000 Rewards Freeroll (658 entries)

    Top 20

    @Burn838 1316000 1 £100

    @Missbarmy 0 2 £60

    @LG911 0 3 £60

    @nirvana29 0 4 £40

    @poshcole 0 5 £40

    @Tspark 0 6 £30

    @davtherav 0 7 £30
    @fish4it231 0 8 £30
    @skinup1970 0 9 £30
    @Somnyboi 0 10 £20
    @littleor1 0 11 £20
    @KWESI 0 12 £20
    @smith1408 0 13 £20
    @Tiggytot18 0 14 £20
    @LIAM92446 0 15 £20
    @Ferret17 0 16 £20
    @Darts170 0 17 £20
    @Cfcpat 0 18 £20
    @legslipper 0 19 £20
    @bonessfc02 0 20 £10
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 175,280

    Sunday Major Freeroll (158 entries)

    @diky77 158598.75 1 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @dukearkyle 80837.50 2 £10,000 Sunday Major

    @wardstar84 76563.75 3 £10,000 Sunday Major

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