Back towards the end of last year most of you will remember a thread I started about your goals for 2010. Just wondering how everyone is getting on so far?
Mine were to win 2 or 3 opens and finish top 20 on sharkscope. I have won 1 open and also finished 2nd, which along with other results has left me 11th on sharkscope, so im delighted with the start of my year and all is looking good.
My other aim was to qualify for vegas, I am playing the semi - final on Sunday so hopefully can get myself into the main event final on 2nd May.
Let us all know how your getting on...
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i wasn't around last year but my goals for this year is to watch more people like you to improve my game
The last couple of weeks have been rather good for me as i've been getting on countless final tables in MTT's but have mainly been in medium sized buy-ins which is alright in some respects but being mr greedy like i can be at times, i want to take down one of the 8pm biggies on at least more than one occasion and there have been several golden opportunities playing in the 8pm'ers where i have been in a reasonable/super position where the opportunity was there to possibly take the whole thing down and i've squandered the opportunity in spectacular fashion and that really pees me off big style!!!

I think the words MUST TRY HARDER and DONT ATTEMPT TO PUNCH MY LAPTOP SCREEN should come into my vocabulary!
In January decided to play again with specific targets.
1: Get to a 4 figure roll from initial deposit of £200
2: Play live at least once a week (mtt) and become profitable and win some live mtts
Target 1 was reached last month but variance has started to hit me so a bit up and down so took some cash out got some fitted wardrobes and the back garden decked out ready for summer. Poker in the garden in the decent weather (Technology is marvellous these days)
Target 2 Initially played Pub Poker £10 buy in managed to qualify for Regional Finals but no major cashes or high finishes. I then found out my the local Gala has a £30 freezeout which i have done ok in, a few final tables and minor cashes then in last couple of weeks chopped one game for £350 each, 3rd last week for £150 and actually managed to win it this week for £440.
Live poker is actually more profitable at the moment than online as I dont play as many mtts on Sky, bring back the £22 deepie with £500 gteed best game on Sky in My opinion, still cant understand why that game never got the runners it deserved.
I have not played The Open on a regular basis but now the structures have improved will start playing them on a regular basis hopefully getting a decent cash or 2.
mine is very basic ,
beat my personal best 20 dym on the bounce ,
and get skypoker on the sharkscope dym leaderboard ,
to do this i need to win 23 dym on the bounce !
my target was to make £12k this year playing cash, im just over 7k to the good (was more but i like to do silly things) so hopfully might hit the £20k mark. hopfully i can win the £220 mtt tonight that would be a very nice boost.
Good luck with the WSOP qualifiers Charlie!!!
As far as my Poker goals go.. To IMPROVE and to be gracious in defeat. I think it's safe to say I'm failing
to try and play short stacked n limit 1-2m on here and make 7k profit in the year, 3k profit so far from very limited hands.
to play a lot more omaha on the other site i use, done although profit so far mainly from bonuses rather than beating the level on there