i started with 50quid....made it to 100 in first few hands of cash on 25/50p stakes, then just kept it steady for a few hours, then on came james hartigan

and i joined him in a ring game omaha cash (which i am terrible at) and i lost 25

, trying to win it quikly bak on slight tilt, i went on 50/1 and lost all my BR in a few hands lol, i busted out of the BH too, so i decided to deposit 20more and enter some tournys, i played rather well and won the 250gtd speed for 95£, not bad for 1hr30mins work for 3£ buy-in

lol, but the fact is, ive ended up with like 5pound profit, even after a good day at the tables for most of it, i seem to ALWAYS go on tilt or get bored and play high stakes and i ALWAYS lose, oes anyone have any advice on how to stop urself being bored playing the lower stakes, i normally play higher cash when no tournys are on and this is when i lose, but what do you suggest i do to stop myself from tilting/boreding(lol) ??
I see tons of people sitting at NL£40 with £5 - £10 in the hope they can double through a couple of times, get lucky and go on a heater which rolls them. Problem is that often they do, then they go play NL£100 because they have been on a heater and promptly drop the lot
I've been prone to this myself, those who used to read the "How Was It For You Last Night" thread may have seen my TKO spin up posts where i played anywhere between NL£10 and NL£50 while chronically under rolled for the level, i span £25 TKO money into £600 in about 2 Weeks but had i carried on the way i was i would have gone busto....it's inevatable, but you know what ........IT WAS FUN lol (For those wondering, i didn't go busto as i dropped limits to play sensebly and cashed some off