ok weve seen now that sky are taking a rake for sats ok thats fine but have a question about that
if the rake is 10 poker points per pound like every other tourny or sit and go we play why is it i have just played the £12 sat into tonights primo ie £11 plus a £1 rake why is it i only got 4 poker points?????
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Hi Chef,
If I knew the answer, I'd tell you, but I don't, sorry.
Customer Care is the best route for the Question.
Nobody (from Sky Poker) is briefed to handle such questions on the Forum, as it is Customer Care's job, hence my well-intended reply.
I won't be playing tonight's Primo, no, as I'm doing the Live Show, with LML. Yep, I run pretty good, eh?
Good luck if you play it, & I hope one or more of your hands gets shown.
also thanks for advice i have spoken to customer services and yes im correct there does seem to be a short fall so it will get sorted
I'm glad to hear Customer Services handled the question as they did, they really are the correct route for such questions. Many people ask such things on the Forum, but that is not what the Forum is for, in reality. When we answer such questions on the Forum, even assuming we know the answer, we are treading on toes, as it's CC's job, & they have the authority to answer the questions, whereas I don't.