So playing today at 2/4 and having a really great day in just over 3 hours i make £28 im crushing people left right and center - amazing stuff, happy as the pig in the proverbial, never won that amount that quickly at 2/4.
I come back on a little later (on 4/8 i will admit) and suddenly my two pairs getting beat by trips, straights by flushes and my pocket queens run into aces..........managed to lose £28 in just over an hour!!!!
this called even swing??.....anyway im off to kick a puppy
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Because if i did that i would never improve. I moved up last night due to my amazing morning which gave me the bank roll to do so. I lost it i moved back down (as the hand above shows).
However im am of the opinion that staying at the level im at will never make me better at this game i love playing. So everytime i get enough bank roll i go up......and I have to be honest I do know when im outclassed (the other night sat at the table with Dohhhhh, Shankski, Don and DP for example) or when im just getting outdrawn/ Running bad.
It just so happens that both times ive gone up i have run into some seriously bad luck. I look back at the hands and ask myself if id still do the same thing again.....I would - ergo keep chipping away. The play is a little more agressive....not much tho and there are plenty of fish.
But playing that level (When my bankroll allows) will allow me to improve and learn. And that is what its all about. I hope in 6-12 months i will be crushing 4/8 and considering moving up again...... I will also be prepared to lose there for the first few months....until I hit an level wher I consider I can never get any better no point in staying stagnant - A rolling stone gathers no moss ladies and gents!!