hi a friend of mine is being followed round the tables they are playing at by another player
this player does nothing but make snide comments about them
been told customer service wont act because the person is question does not swear our directly say it to my friend
i feel this kind of childish behaviour must stop
im happy to name the player harresing my friend if the community wishes
but any other ideas are welcome my friend does not want to close the chat box as they enjoy a laugh and banter
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Please do NOT name the player on here, that'd be most improper & not helpful to his or her case.
If he/she wants to drop me a PM, I'll make sure the right boys get to investigate it. However, simply following a player around may not in itself be sufficient to take action. Harassment, however, would. But that's quite a delicate line to judge sometimes.
Thanks Sky Mod7, alternatively, the OP or his/her Friend can PM any Sky Mod, or Sky-Rich.
the problem is the person has very little confidence that sky will do anything as several players have told them its a waste of time sorry
not my words but several players on the site
dont shoot the messenger
on a serious note i hope it gets sorted
My advice to him or her is to ignore what other players say, & ask a Mod, or Sky-Rich.
my friend is just fed up being harresed at every table they are playing the person in question follows them to every table not rearly right is it
as for my call been thinking about it dont know why i called just had a strange feeling you were stealing blinds and i do like 9 10 suited as a playable hand
im sure youll get revenge lol
allways enjoy playing against you
and thank you for the one off the better players comment i respect that you are as well