Evening all!!
It's F.F.F.FRIDAY!!!! Tonight's TSP classic is shaping up to be a good'n. The TSP boys have left me holding the proverbial Poker baby whilst they are all busy off at Blackpool GUKPT.
£11 to enter and a nice little tourney.. Plus the added value of knowing I'm in.. and a prize on my head for whoever busts me out.. Not that any of you need any persuasion where that's concerned!
Here's who's in so far:
alanstew2000 BIGSHANN2000 BLUEDAVE2000 blueden2000 davetlfc2000 Doudeau2000 FIELDY19782000 GhEtToFaB2000 howie19962000 karting2000 Kevilfish2000 Kiwini4u2000 lisalisa2000 LML2000 redred182000 sara36dd082000 scotty772000 SoLack2000 willhelm2000
Get involved and expect the usual table banter, TSP classic structure and AJ stylee spectalulism (Yes, yes Pedants.. I'm aware that's not an ACTUAL word 
Pre 10pm I'll also be around playing a few cheeky cash games.. pos 5p/10p and 10p/20p but will update tables as and when I move 
Good luck and get registering!!
alanstew2000 BIGBAPS2000 BIGSHANN2000 BLUEDAVE2000 blueden2000 brimicombe2000 davetlfc2000 Davlad2000 Doudeau2000 FIELDY19782000 GhEtToFaB2000 howie19962000 J-Hartigan2000 karting2000 Kevilfish2000 Kiwini4u2000 LMAJOD2000 LML2000 redred182000 sara36dd082000 scotty772000 SHY-BOY2000 SoLack2000 sparkielev2000 susie2pink2000 TheGirth2000 TOGO722000 willhelm2000