Basically, i dont have a bankroll!!
If i want to play a tourny i deposit enough for this plus a few quid extra in case i go out early to play a sng or cash.
I am comfortable with the way i do this but i was wondering if i should try it the way most of you do?
If i was to do this i would need £200 as i like to play £5/£11 tournys or sng's and that is a little more than i wanted to have (outside of my bank acc') so lets say i have £50 BR, can i still play £5.75 BH's? and do you think i would play any differently because i am nursing the BR?
I hate posting on here because i want to say something but never know how to put it so i hope you are reading between the lines as to what i am on about lol
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If you want to take poker seriously then a bankroll for playing MTT should be 100 buyin minimum. so if you want to play £5 MTT you should have a min of £500.
The best way to build a roll over time is to play cash (20 buyin minimum)
Treat poker like a hobby or as entertainment. If you would be happy to spend £10 going to the cinema then spending £10 on poker is no different (apart from the fact that you might make a profit from it). I guess you could compare it to investing £10 in art materials because you enjoying painting; there's a slim chance that someone might buy your artwork and you make a profit. :-)))
BRM is really only an issue for people who take poker seriously. If you wish to be able to play poker every day then you need to manage your available funds accordingly and there is a lot of advice on this forum about the best way to do that.
However, if you just set aside £10 a week to play poker then do what you like with it. Go wild and play one £10 tournament or play five £2 tournaments, play a cash game, play SnG's.
The most important thing is to enjoy the game. If you don't enjoy it, there's really no point in playing at our level.
Great advice by Freechips & MereIsBackAtLast.
A friend of mine who plays purely for recreational reasons - & most of us (I'd say 95%+) do, to be honest, auto-deposits £30 on the 1st day of each month. She says that £7.50 per week is fine for a hobby. When it's gone, that's it, she does not play again until the 1st of the following month, when she auto-deposits again.
An odd by-product to that story is that she had a few lessons in Tourney Poker earlier this year, & that cured her "leaks", which were, in the main, serial-limping & calling, poor positional play, playing too many hands, especially early doors, & lack of aggression combined with a failure to change gear at the sharp end.
As a result, she's never had to deposit since, & now has over £500 in her Account. Just from following some simple basics, & curing those "leaks". So now she has poker as a hobby, which she indulges in most nights, & it costs her nothing.
Although if i do this i might have to forfeit my mtts for A while,,,,,,,
decisions, decisions,,,,,
The real enjoyment imo is watching your br grow, withdrawing now and again to buy something etc
If i win a decent amount, say £100+ i withdraw maybe 80% and play with the rest.
Still havent decided what to do yet