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CFP bonus increments

OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
edited November 2010 in Poker Chat
This has been mentioned before, but is this being looked into.?
Once again I will probably hit 8k points this month, but as I know I wont hit 12k, I will lose incentive.
Seriously, its mad that there is a jump from 8k to 12k, after all increments going up in 1k amounts before that.
It cant be that hard to sort, and surely must be profitable for Sky too.
I`m sure I`m not on my own here so if this affects you please voice it here.


  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2010
    In Response to CFP bonus increments:
    This has been mentioned before, but is this being looked into.? Once again I will probably hit 8k points this month, but as I know I wont hit 12k, I will lose incentive. Seriously, its mad that there is a jump from 8k to 12k, after all increments going up in 1k amounts before that. It cant be that hard to sort, and surely must be profitable for Sky too. I`m sure I`m not on my own here so if this affects you please voice it here.
    Posted by OMahonyO
    + a million. Half way through the month and I'm on about 4.5k, so I should make 8k but doubt I will make the 12k mark. I am sitting comfortably in the top 30 on the league as well, so no need for me to push once I've hit 8k. Will probably just relax and play some MTTs which will mean a lot less rake for sky as when I play cash I do between 6 and 9 tables @ 50nl.
  • luvBWFCluvBWFC Member Posts: 763
    edited November 2010
    Don't know how you guys do it. My first ever 2k month is beckoning this month, I can't imagine 8k....
  • shaun09shaun09 Member Posts: 1,606
    edited November 2010
    When i have money on poker i normally hit 1600 playing 4p/8p but never hit 2k
  • Ozzie08Ozzie08 Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2010
    In Response to CFP bonus increments:
    This has been mentioned before, but is this being looked into.? Once again I will probably hit 8k points this month, but as I know I wont hit 12k, I will lose incentive. Seriously, its mad that there is a jump from 8k to 12k, after all increments going up in 1k amounts before that. It cant be that hard to sort, and surely must be profitable for Sky too. I`m sure I`m not on my own here so if this affects you please voice it here.
    Posted by OMahonyO
    + 1, A 4k difference seems crazy to me and as soon as i hit that 8k i basically stop playing on here as i know there is no chance ill make 12k

    Would be great if we had a 9, 10 and 11 k steps
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments:
    In Response to CFP bonus increments : + 1, A 4k difference seems crazy to me and as soon as i hit that 8k i basically stop playing on here as i know there is no chance ill make 12k Would be great if we had a 9, 10 and 11 k steps
    Posted by Ozzie08
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2010
    the way that this is structure is mental, and has been brought up by multiple regs on here loads of times.

    usually in a month im somewhere between a bonus figure and it is very frustrating.  there should be a 10k level at the very least.
  • Ozzie08Ozzie08 Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments:
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments : Fish!!
    Posted by dylan12
    Thnx for that input chunky, any thoughts on this thread by any chance
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments:
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments : Thnx for that input chunky, any thoughts on this thread by any chance
    Posted by Ozzie08
    Yup, 1K steps ftw it may stop u from spewing fish :) 
  • BIGSHANNBIGSHANN Member Posts: 433
    edited November 2010
    I would refer to all the previous posts on this point that have been going back 1 and a half years!  but I really don't see the point.  Sky just seem to ignore this issue and obviously don't see at as an important one.  As I have said before, nearly every other site I have played offers you the chance to use you loyality points to buy in to turneys.  Surely this would not be too much trouble for Sky to introduce, and as said above, would surely encourage people to keep playing cash and contributing rake!

    No brainer to me, but what do I know?
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2010
    I remember when you could use your points to satellite into the £55Primo!

    12k HU tables ftw
  • Ozzie08Ozzie08 Member Posts: 963
    edited November 2010
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments:
    In Response to Re: CFP bonus increments : Yup, 1K steps ftw it may stop u from spewing fish :) 
    Posted by dylan12
    "spewing fish" lol, 1k steps deffo ftw even though i love having all the left over points for 3 rolls yayyyyyyyy
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited November 2010
    Obviously sky looked into the increments when they set it up, and they must have known that a whole raft of players were between 8000 and 12000, but not many over 12000, so its more profitable for them to keep the increments wide at this point. Maybe they will run another points bonanza tourney in 5 years time so you can get rid of the excess?
  • OMahonyOOMahonyO Member Posts: 1,883
    edited November 2010
    Can any of the mods/suits shed any light on this thread as to wether the powers that be are considering any changes, or if they know it is a matter of concern for players
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