I’d never thought about a legitimate use for them but there appears to be a case made here for periods of low traffic bots could be used to give opponents someone to play.
(Since this is linking to a news site rather than a Sky Poker competitor I don’t think this breaks any forum rules. If it does I’ll see you in Area 51)
You think people complain the site is rigged now? Wait until there are SKY run bots on the tables. Every lost hand would be due to rigging! I cannot think this is a good idea.
i would rather play a bot any day....they NEVER win. I tried one on a site that advertised on the poker bot site(they say you are not allowed to use them yet advertise on their site?)
left it running on 5c/10c for 3 days on and off and lost $2 lol
i would rather play a bot any day....they NEVER win. I tried one on a site that advertised on the poker bot site(they say you are not allowed to use them yet advertise on their site?) left it running on 5c/10c for 3 days on and off and lost $2 lol Posted by DAVEYZZ
might not win, but surely you can get rakeback...? so even if you lose a little overall, the rakeback would make it profitable?
there are a very small number of winning bots that play on other main sites however the vast majority of them are small losers that only make money off rakeback
I tried one on a site that advertised on the poker bot site(they say you are not allowed to use them yet advertise on their site?)
left it running on 5c/10c for 3 days on and off and lost $2 lol
Tikay a model!! who wouda thunk it#