Was going all to plan then boooooooooooom!
I was shouting hooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooold at the screen too lol!
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancequigley04Small blind £0.04£0.04£6.24donkeyplopBig blind £0.08£0.12£9.31 Your hole cards44 2003Call £0.08£0.20£6.44JGIBBRFCRaise £0.40£0.60£6.55SHANKS474Fold quigley04Call £0.36£0.96£5.88donkeyplopCall £0.32£1.28£8.992003Call £0.32£1.60£6.12Flop 4J3 quigley04Check donkeyplopCheck 2003Check JGIBBRFCBet £1.60£3.20£4.95quigley04All-in £5.88£9.08£0.00donkeyplopAll-in £8.99£18.07£0.002003Fold JGIBBRFCAll-in £4.95£23.02£0.00donkeyplopUnmatched bet £2.44£20.58£2.44quigley04ShowQJ donkeyplopShow44 JGIBBRFCShowKK Turn 10 River K JGIBBRFCWinThree Kings£19.18 £19.18
0 ·
UL btw, cant see stack but looks like you played fine lol
Actually maybe loose call to set mine pre but other then that fine