So usually if I'm having a not so great poker day it normally can be put down to "ahhhh, I haven't had chocolate!" (well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it), and after I have my sugar buzz I chill out, play poker again and start winning

Well today I got the Poker Player magazine and in it there is a little bit about super foods to help with tilt and hey presto wouldn't you know it listed is chocolate!!!
I should probably mention that flaxseeds and blueberries are also listed as an anti-tilt super food but I choose the chocolate option even though less healthy.
I figure even if I put on 20 stone i will be playing so well that when I make my millions I can afford liposuction and a personal trainer anyway

So everyone....if you want an excuse to eat chocolate and make money here it is!
After a while I stop tilting but everything else does! go figure?
Drinking always seems to improve my game. I drank a bottle of vodka once on top of a bottle of red wine whilst playing. I couldn't see the screen properly at the end. The next day I checked out my results on poker-edge and everything was good and profitable.
I was too mashed up to get off the tables properly so had to time out. Had to drop down to 6 tables too. That helped a lot.
Anyway chocolate is bad for you and long-term consumption can lead to diabetes, morbid obesity and depression.
It lowers blood pressure
It lowers cholesterol
It is good for the heart
It contains serotonin which is an anti-depressant
One bar of dark chocolate has around 400 calories. So if you eat half a bar of dark chocolate a day, try to balance those 200 calories by eating less of something else.
Like most things that are considered bad for you, they are only bad for you if you over indulge. Some things can be quiet benificial when taken in moderation.