when you log into sky ,instead of having to press community to get to the main forum, maybe just have a general poker chat forum link. and then you can navigate from there to the other sub-links.At the top of the home page is a Casino tab/ a find a player tab/ and a my sky poker tab that don't need to be main tabs but could be found on some sort of sub-section link,but still on the home page? This moment of clarity has come after mucho wine ! So if nobody thinks the same tell me, and i'll write a post it note somewhere to not post after 2.45 am !!!Hic and cheers, Dave.
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i usually go to my profile then that way but otherwise have to go community then forum so much effort!!! tut tut sort it out :-)
Thanks a lot for your feedback on the navigation on the Sky Poker homepage. We're always looking at ways of making journeys to particular parts of the site easier, and the idea of adding a link directly into one section of the forum is something we've looked at in the past. At the moment the Community tab seems to be the simplest route into the various parts of the Sky Poker Community (profiles and blogs are covered in here too), but the idea of maybe having a drop down menu within that for each of those sections could be worth investigating.
I'll put it on the list of ideas and comments and bring it up at the next opportunity.