as some off you know i`v not played much poker because off babysitting 5 extra kids plus the 2 i already have now it seems it will be a while before i can play again as now my misses ain`t too good health wise, so if you don`t see me it`s not because mod-7 has banned me or sky-mandy has beaten so badly that i`m in hospital,to all my fish/donking/idiot/muppets gl on the tables, will try if poss to pop in now and again
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Hope everything's not too bad though! gl.
Sounds like you have a lot on your plate & hope your wife gets better. See you back here soon.
Take care.
only took me 5mins of chatting to you online before i felt ill.
Best wishes Mick .
Hope the mrs gets well soon spornybol
fingers crossed for you m8y .
Best wishes mate
and a big
p.s don`t know when i will on tables again yet so gl all fish-donking-idiot-muppets
Don't be long ok and you know where I am if u wanna chat xxx