Oh yes- the main league will come to an epic climax tonight for the SPT seat, Primo and Open Rebuy- but meantime to make sure EVERYONE has got something to aim for- we're wiping the slate clean for another competiton.
On the 28th December - Sky Poker are hosting their annual Santa's sack- a poker MTT with some amazing prizes....
Here they are:
1st- A 3D TV
2nd- An Ipad
3rd- A Blu-Ray Home Cinema
4th-An XBox Kinect Bundle
5th- A digital camera
6th- An SPT seat
Seriously, how good is that? I want to play in this myself- I'd happily take any of those prizes. (Hint for anyone wishing to buy me a Christmas present this year )
You can't purchase seats into this comp- you have to be lucky enough to knock out Sky Santa, Sky Rudolph or Sky Elf from one of our main events between now and Chrimbo.
But- now you have a chance to use your poker edge to gain entry!
Prove yourself to be in the top 3 best tonight in my six tounaments of Multiballs and you're in.
The Top 3 players to cash across all six tourneys will win immediately the se spot-prizes as well as add to their totals in themain league.
90 minutes to the starting pistol- We now have 15 runners and I'm confident tonight we will beat last week's field of 51. Test the new download software by playing all 6 Multiball tourneys at once and win some top prizes! 1981MATT 2000 brimicombe 2000 darich 2000 Darlomike 2000 JARON 2000 LnarinOO 2000 lucky77777 2000 Machka 2000 MAXALLY 2000 mickjenn1 2000 Ploppy33 2000 pomfrittes 2000 RICHORFORD 2000 The_Don90 2000 thomaslamb 200 Posted by RICHORFORD
Well i reckon thomas has no chance with only 200 chips lol
OK guys- 2 things you might like to do before the tables launch on tonight's Multiballs!
The easiest way to do it is in the brand new DOWNLOAD and going to Preferences. Once the display pops up, just tick the two preferences and hit ‘apply’
You can of course also do it on the poker tables in the web version, but you have to load a table, click ‘options’, apply the changes and then save the settings, before the tournaments kick off.
So- what are these two things?
1)Open in miniview
Does exactly what it says on the tin – rather than having to switch view on every table after it loads!
2)Auto-focus my tables
This is a new table window focusing system, it’s defaulted to be on and is available on the web version too, but only works properly in Download (Web browsers place pretty tough restrictions on what we can control.)
So what does it do? Well basically it will make it much easier to multi-table with overlapping windows (i.e if your monitor is not big enough to tile the windows perfectly with no overlap) It will automatically pop up to the front the next table which needs action. Other tables which need action too are queued up, but it will not move onto the next table until you’ve taken your action on the current table. On the old system it would have just kept popping another window up, when you are waiting to take an action – making multi-tabling with very difficult!
Here’s how the DC pop up looks with the preferences:
P.S. And remember it's worth closing down other apps on your pc’s to get best performance if you;re playing SIX tables at once. This includes MSN messenger, which surprisingly uses up a lot of memory!
We now have 15 runners and I'm confident tonight we will beat last week's field of 51.
Test the new download software by playing all 6 Multiball tourneys at once and win some top prizes!
The easiest way to do it is in the brand new DOWNLOAD and going to Preferences. Once the display pops up, just tick the two preferences and hit ‘apply’
You can of course also do it on the poker tables in the web version, but you have to load a table, click ‘options’, apply the changes and then save the settings, before the tournaments kick off.
So- what are these two things?
1) Open in miniview
Does exactly what it says on the tin – rather than having to switch view on every table after it loads!
2) Auto-focus my tables
This is a new table window focusing system, it’s defaulted to be on and is available on the web version too, but only works properly in Download (Web browsers place pretty tough restrictions on what we can control.)
So what does it do? Well basically it will make it much easier to multi-table with overlapping windows (i.e if your monitor is not big enough to tile the windows perfectly with no overlap) It will automatically pop up to the front the next table which needs action. Other tables which need action too are queued up, but it will not move onto the next table until you’ve taken your action on the current table. On the old system it would have just kept popping another window up, when you are waiting to take an action – making multi-tabling with very difficult!
Here’s how the DC pop up looks with the preferences:P.S. And remember it's worth closing down other apps on your pc’s to get best performance if you;re playing SIX tables at once. This includes MSN messenger, which surprisingly uses up a lot of memory!
Hope this helps!
Good thread title, Rover.