the wheres my token thread, valued customers are enquiring... whers my token? whats the criteria ?
ill only quote two of many brain dead replies
reply 1....... skypoker owe us nothing..... pmsl great insight.. duh lets just forget the genuine enquiry''' lol... hail skypoker.
reply 2... well skypoker should just not give anyone anything... lol.. are these guys real??/ there are many many replies like this all over the forums.
guys... you are embarrassing yourself ..... skypoker get soo much from the forums in the way of feedback.. im quiet sure the critical posts are the most valuable to them.. dont aim for mediocracy. aim for excelance.
im not saying skypoker are mediocre... they are better than most...
strange thing is.....most of these typ of comments come from winning cash players... but in my humble opinion.. the most interesting points and replies come from micro and tourny players.
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Healthy debate is fine, because we all have different opinions, especially where poker is concerned and I for one dont want to have to start deleting posts or having warnings/bans issue to posters.
I have closed this thread