In the last month I have lost a 5th of my roll. Not a vast amount in money terms or % terms but I have spent some time building it up and, to be honest, I think it is now always in the back of my mind.
I play 4nl (and only one table - difficult to play more at moment but hope to rectify soon) so I expect swings in luck, but this last month if there has been a way for someone to beat me they have found it. I've even lost a straight flush
I've had varying views on whether I should play through or take a break. I am playing tighter and more agressively with pre raises of 4bb-10bb depending on position adn previous action, but I either don't get believed and get outflopped or get believed and no-one calls.
Of course there are hands I win, but overall I am losing at the moment.
Suggestions please?
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I find taking a break for a few days helps, you can come back refreshed, and ready to win.
I've been real up and down over the last few months.
I've just come off a real good spell from the last week or so, but the last few days have sucked!
I am now dropping back down a level until I start making a profit again.
Don't change your game whatever you do! - it's just variance.
Man up, & hang in there, it will reverse soon enough.
A poker player needs to be able to get through these bad runs. YBA.
I've actually used it in the wrong context to usual, as it's usually said ironically, but I enjoy breaking lexicographic moulds. Who knows, we may find a new use for a hackneyed expression.
It was, at one time, reserved for cheeky-chappie cockney sorts, but in the late 90's a bunch of poker players borrowed/stole it, & it came into common use throughout poker.
"Lend us £200 mate"
"What? YBA". (Code for "naff off, no chance sunshine").
Those using it to this day include Neil Channing, Keith "The Camel" Hawkins, Simon Trumper, & Venetian Deepstack serial binker/winner Kev O'Leary.
Although you remind me of grandpa from the simpsons in your answer *quickly ducks while running fast in a different direction from tikay*
Am hanging in there, just takes its toll when it goes on for a while (even on nl4)!!
still playing - luck may have changed as got a better FH on river, and for once my kings have held post flop!!
Oops, shouldn't have said that, may have jinxed it now?!
can't see why being scottish would work!!
Hiya m8
I have been having the same problem on NL4. I,ve lost 7 races in a row and there is nowhere more likely than on a NL4 where your aces or premum hands will get cracked due to the sheer number of fish.
I am starting to think twice about playing this level as you definately don,t learn anything and just seem to get dreagged into bad habbits
I seem to play a better game when I play at higher stakes and almost prefer playing better players now as you can learn from them.
Like someone said above maybe try some DYM,s for a while if its getting to frustrating, but when your playing 4NL everyday, the sick beats and general bad play will get to you in the end. I,ve heard so many other ppl say it on here at how frustrated they get at this level - at leat have a brk for a few days
I had a proper rubbish day yesterday so am not playing now until tomorow, as im not in the right frame of mind, which isn't great for playing poker.